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  1. admin

    Marriage Maters What are list of things that affect sexual life of married couples?

    I said if issues affect the sexual life of a couple, it can affect the happiness of the people in it as well, and the level of fulfilment they'll get from the marriage. Every person who gets married does so with sexual desires in one corner of their mind. If you like, be a Bishop. If you like...
  2. admin

    Marriage Maters What is so special about sex? Learn why sex is important in marriage

    I remember a story The Wife called her husband useless, the Man was very angry, "how dare you talk to me like that, and threatened to throw her out of the house In the night, the Man began to touch the wife, making advances for sex. The Woman then asked "who is that useless person touching...
  3. admin

    Spirituality How will I cope with sexual urges during Courtship?

    While praying a while back before heading for a vigil, the Holy Spirit whispered something to me. "Do you know why many young Men/Women struggle with maintaining sexual Purity in relationships and can't stay in a Relationship without sex?" I knew the answer would follow so I kept quiet...