Make Money This section is strictly for official AAS discussion - Earn Daily

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Aug 25, 2023
Leki Lagos
This section is strictly for official AAS discussion and a place you can ask AAS questions and get answer to it.

Feel free to Ask any AAS question or discuss about AAS here.

Thank you.


AAS Registration Link below:

Click Here To Join AAS Earnings

1. What's the minimum investment amount?
? $20 (excluding transaction charges from your exchange and 0.65% Gateway fee)

2. What's the maximum investment amount?
? No maximum amount

3. What's the minimum withdrawal amount?
? $50

4. What is the daily withdrawal limit?
? $10,000 daily

5. Any withdrawal charges?
?$1 is required for every withdrawal irrespective of the amount.

6. Can I increase my investment at any time?
?Yes, you can top up anytime with a minimum of $20.

7. Does my deposited USDT start trading immediately?
? First deposit is automatically picked up for trading after just a few minutes.
?Subsequent deposits take between 24-48 hrs of arrival to be auto-invested for trading.

8. Can I change my personal info like email address, phone number and withdrawal wallet address?
? Some can only be edited by AAS Support (takes 90 days), but you can change your password anytime.

9. Can I withdraw both my ROI and capital anytime I want?
? You can withdraw your ROI anytime you have up to $51.
? Capital is locked up in Binance liquidity pool for safety reasons. But you can apply officially for capital refund. Any capital refund is followed by total closure and deleting of account from the Blockchain.

10. How long does withdrawal take?
? Withdrawal is super fast: it takes less than 1 minute.
11. How does AAS pay investors?
? Binance Pay Gateway is responsible for payouts in USDT TRC20

12. Can I have multiple accounts?
? Yes, but each account should have a different email address, and phone number.

13. Is referring compulsory?
? No, referring is NOT compulsory. Your capital alone can work for you.

14. What's the return on investment?
?AAS operates a rotational ROI system. 1.65% ROI daily is the minimum. On the 28th of every month, the system switches to 2% ROI for 5 days followed by 3.5% ROI for 3 days, 5% ROI for 2 days and then back to 1.65% for 20days (Totalling 63.5% monthly).

15. Can the Blockchain skip an investor's daily ROI?
? Blockchain keeps accurate record of its operations and does regular audit to adjust any underpayment or overpayment.

16. When will auto-compounding of ROI commence?
?Auto compounding will be integrated when the liquidity pool has grown considerably.

17. When was Afriq Arbitrage System (AAS) launched officially?
?1st January, 2023

18. Can investors participate in AAS from any part of the world?
? Yes, AAS is a global system without geographical restrictions.

19. Do I have to trade manually before I earn?
?No, operations are 100% automated. No personal effort or trading skill is required.

20. What should I do immediately after creating an account?
? You MUST bind your account with a USDT TRC20 withdrawal address.

21. Do investors have permanent deposit address in AAS?
? The Blockchain generates a unique deposit address each time a deposit is initiated by an investor. Each Deposit address generated SHOULD NOT be used twice.

23. Does AAS have any office address?
1080 Springfield Ave. Irvington NJ 07111 USA.

24. Who is the inventor/CEO of Afriq Arbitrage System?

25. How long will Afriq Arbitrage System last?
? AAS will last for as long as Cryptocurrency trading and Blockchain technology are in existence.
AAS Registration Link ?

Click Here To Join AAS Earnings

You are free to ask questions and discuss AAS here.

No restriction on your questions.
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