Bible Study Forum - BSF About Us

BSF About Us
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Bible Study Forum - BSF ABOUT US Bible Study Forum - BSF know that God’s Word brings truth, healing, sets captives free, restores, and reconciles neighbors with enemies, making you endlessly happy and joyful. Bible Study Forum - BSF vision is to see the Bible be used by our creator and maker of all, the Almighty God to redeem the lost through the help of the Holy Spirit, utterly restore the broken and inspire the Body of Christ to be a community of hope for the world, to see the light of his word reflecting in our life. Bible Study Forum - BSF believes the Word of God transforms lives, changes situations, impact churches, communities, countries. God’s heart is for all of mankind to know Him through His Word and to bring His kingdom to earth. Bible Study Forum - BSF have the chance to be part of bringing God’s Word to the nations so all will know him accept him as their Lord. Bible Study Forum - BSF is a global online digital evangelism channel inspired by radical generosity and impacting lives through God's word. Bible Study Forum - BSF mission is to win souls for Christ, to transform lives, to build minds to the glory of our God, to nurture his children, to make God happy through our happiness in reading his word, to build and establish Godly family where we can meet to study, discuss and meditate on his word to know his mindset for us. Finding peace and joy in God through his word.God bless us as we study his word here.
  • Published
    Aug 22, 2023
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