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  1. AdServersite

    Networking How can two PCs be directly connected using Ethernet ?

    Hello, I have two PCs set up: a desktop and a laptop. My desktop has no wifi, therefore, I connect my laptop to the other one via Ethernet to access the Internet. Using my laptop's large volume of storage as a storage server, I want to be able to access each other's storage without requiring a...
  2. AdServersite

    Computers In Recife, Brazil, a 10-year-old child went into a computer store and asked one of the employees this question

    He asked to use the tablet that was available for consumers to use, asking the clerks for permission. The child was given the tablet by the clerk, who gave him a positive response and let him start working right away. The employees watching him closely in the store saw that he had taken some...
  3. AdServersite

    Phone How can I use a computer to access a phone whose touch screen is broken?

    Almost everyone in our local neighborhood has a smartphone these days. The screen-to-body ratio of contemporary smartphones is so low that they resemble slabs of glass, which raises the possibility of them slipping and breaking. Most people have had the "My Phone Broken" experience, where their...
  4. AdServersite

    ?Ask Will my Computer damage if I use it to watch movie too many time?

    Here, there are two things to think about. When viewing movies, we often strive to find a comfortable spot to sit in. However, if we leave our laptops on our beds for extended periods of time, they obstruct the exhaust and raise the temperature, which can lead to The Hang VLC media player can...
  5. AdServersite

    Computer Which computer is good for work or gaming, a flat or curved monitor?

    I currently use a 27-inch flat monitor, but I believe that a 34-inch curved monitor would be ideal for business or gaming. How do you reason it? For business or games, should I use a flat screen or a curved one? Which is superior?
  6. admin

    Programming What does computer programming mean?

    Computer programming is fundamentally the art and science of giving instructions to computers to carry out tasks. It is the language that allows people to interact with machines, giving them the ability to perform particular tasks and find solutions. Comprehending the Machine Language: Think...