?Ask How can one make it in life?

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BSF Senior Staff
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Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Danyal, eleven, completed his A-levels yesterday. Normally, students take these exams when they are eighteen.

His primary source of math instruction was YouTube videos. He completed his A-level Physics last year and received an A.

He is taught at home.

While out for a run this morning, we talked about his future plans.

He's considering the following in combination:

To find out if he has a chance to play in the Premiership one day, have him play football for up to three hours every day.
Try to get him to compete nationally in squash.
Given that he will turn 12 in 4 months, he would need to train extremely hard to try to break the world record for an 11-year-old in the 5 km race.
Learn to code extremely well in order to launch a tech company.
Brush up on his six languages; due to exams, some have been given very little attention lately.
Lounge around with pals for a long time.

It's all possible because five years ago, my wife and I made the decision to TRY homeschooling our three children. We just tried it for two weeks, and after that, we were all hooked.

Danyal would still be studying algebra in school if we hadn't tried, and I wouldn't have any stories to share with you.

It takes effort to succeed in life. Generally speaking, trying doesn't work, but if you persevere and keep trying in all facets of your life, you will succeed in ways you never would have thought possible.

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