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BSF Senior Staff
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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Please read patiently, and pass to all Parents and Teachers by sharing this post to all your social media channels and page. Copy the link of this post and post it in your WhatsApp status too.

The Teaching and Non-teaching Staff of Ever-Best Grammar School were summoned for an emergency meeting with the Principal during their lunch break. The members of staff sat in twos in the assembly hall, discussing in low tones, as they waited for the Principal to arrive for the meeting.

It was not long before the Principal, Mrs. Julian Yemisi Agbaje, joined the staff in the hall. “Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I guess most of you know why I called for this meeting? But in case you do not know, I will tell you now. It is with heavy heart I want to confirm to you that the news that filtered in when we came to school this morning has been verified and found to be true.

There were rumours this morning that we lost one of our students yesterday evening. Well, I want to tell you that it is no longer rumour; it is now truth. It has been verified. I went to their house this morning and saw things for myself; and the truth is that Abiola, Our Assistant Head Girl, died yesterday at night. So, if you saw her yesterday evening, as I did, when we had a meeting with all the prefects, that was the last time you would see her alive”.

There were groaning, weeping, bitter cries, etc., among the staff. Both men and women broke down in tears. By the way, some were already crying even before the Principal made the announcement. Abiola was such a nice girl that all who knew her could not hold back their tears.

But what really happened to Abiola?

The Principal continued her story…

“From what I gathered when I went to their home this morning, Abiola committed suicide inside her room last night. The mum went to her room after their morning prayer to find out why she did not come out for the usual family prayers and found her stone dead!”

At this juncture the Principal could not hold it further and had to make use of the handkerchief in her hands as she buried her face on the table. More weeping, sighing, sobbing… among the staff.

After what seemed like forever, the Principal continued her story…

“Abiola dropped a letter for her mum on the floor, or she was probably holding it in her hands when death overpowered her. In the letter she appreciated her mum for all she did to take care of her and her younger brother since their father died five years ago.

She acknowledged that her mum really worked hard to make sure that she and her brother were enrolled in the best school around, and that they lacked nothing, which could make them feel the absence of their dad”.

“Why then did she take her life?” Someone asked.

In answer to thatr question, the Principal said…

“That is why I called every one of you here. We all failed Abiola! (at this juncture she stood up).r After appreciating her mum, Abiola went ahead to explain the reasons why she decided to end it all. I may not go into all the detail but the summary is that the girl has been battling with low self-esteem and prejudice since the day she was made a prefect till yesterday when she could not bear it any longer.

I learnt that one of you here told Abiola’s mum that she was supposed to be the Head Girl but Nifemi was chosen instead because, she (Nifemi) smiles a lot while Abiola has a stony face.

And the mother believed that devilish self-sent messenger. I am going to deploy everything available to me to make sure I fish him or her out. Abiola’s mum never allowed a day to pass without taunting the poor girl about her failure to become the Head Girl. So each time she came to school and saw Nifemi she was filled with resentment, then she would go home to meet her mum who would jeeringly ask her, ‘how is that cheerful girl, Nifemi? I love her jare! If you like keep tightening your face!’

According to the nanny who talked with me, when Abiola got home yesterday, her mum asked the usual question about Nifemi and she simply said, ‘mum why don’t you ever tell me that you love me? Am I not a human being?’

And instead of the woman to retrace her steps she started calling the poor girl unprintable names and reminding her how she has been working like a jackal to give her the best possible, yet all she could do was to play the second fiddle.

She went to bed without eating. And as fate would have it, the nanny bought a bottle of Sniper two days ago, which she kept very close to the washing machine. Nobody knew when Abiola got up in the night and took the bottle and emptied the content into her mouth.

She ended the note she dropped for her mum with, ‘mum I love you and I have always told you so, even though I can’t really say whether you love me or not. You can transfer all your love to your cheerful Nifemi, but please do not abandon my little brother the way you abandoned me.’

As at that morning when we were there, she kept shouting, ‘Abiola, I love you! Abiola, look at me now, I said I love you! I love you Abiola…’ I suppose that by now they might have taken her mother to a doctor because it seemed she had lost her senses

Mhnnn! What a loss! I couldn’t keep this to myself, and that is why I had to call all of you to relay it. I also want to use this to remind us that we are not here just to teach them arts or sciences; we are supposed to attend to the emotional needs of these children! How come none of us even noticed that that girl was hurting?

And the mother is now confessing her love to a dead body. Let me tell you, the words I LOVE YOU are golden to every growing person. May you not utter those golden words to a ghost as Abiola's mother is doing right now!”

The Principal ended her story thus and other things followed, which I would not bother my readers with.

I want to ask every parent or TEACHER reading this piece, do you know that those three words are golden to every child? Are you using them wisely now or are you waiting to use them for a ghost?

I pray that you will not tell your son or daughter that you love them when it is already too late.

You can talk about any issue you have with your child; no child is irredeemable if you know what to do and what to say.

Please help us pass this post to all Parents and Teachers by sharing this post link in all your social media channels and page. Copy the link of this post and post it in your WhatsApp status too.

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