Crypto List of Ice KYC verification questions

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BSF Senior Staff
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Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Ice Network KYC3 Q&A✍* 1. On what network will the ice distribution take place? ✅BNB Smart chain 2. How can users earn ice on the ice network? ✅By checking in every 24hrs 3. What is the staking concept similar to? ✅Depositing money in the bank 4. What block chain technology does the ice project use for it's concensus mechanism known for it's speed, security and scalability? ✅Proof of stake (POS) 5. What is the primary goal of the ice network? ✅To build a decentralized ecosystem 6. What is the role of validators in the ice network governance and operation? ✅Validators are tasked with maintaining the networks security and availability. 7. What is the main advantage of ice being an open source project? ✅it promotes transparency and allow everyone to review the project code. 8. How can a user restore lost coin due to inactivity in the ice project? ✅By initiating a new check in session and choosing the resurrection option 9. How many times can you benefit from the resurrection option in the ice project?

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