Crypto Will Pi Price make miners rich?

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Aug 25, 2023
Leki Lagos
If you're mining Pi rejoice something great is coming.

Many pioneers will soon be celebrating.

. . . What is what is.

Recently, we have seen reports from pioneers who closely follow and monitor Nicholas X's account. According to their feedback, Nicolas With that being said, a new development just surfaced today. (Pi supply in circulation)

But before we dive into this exciting theory, let's dig up our data.

Data shows that the total Pi migration is around 2,491,450,896 Pi with 6,583 active wallets.

TotalMigratedPi (approx.) = 2,491,450,896

Rolling width of CMC data = 68,000,000Pi

$Pi with self-reported market cap = $2,333,565,069 from CMC.

To find the Pi value for each market cap according to the data we have from CMC and piiqDoor

Self-reported Pi/MC circulating supply = $0.291399632114821

Now there you have it!

My prediction is that this market cap value is in the works for the upcoming #PiFest and PCT Roadmap V2 next December.

May I know.

#GCV314159 I think your Ferrari will be waiting.

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