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Afriq Arbitrage System


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Nov 24, 2023
Abuja Nigeria

How To Use Trust Wallet on AAST

1718826905912.png1.) Download and install the Trust wallet from your Android Play Store or iOS App Store.


2.) After you have downloaded and installed the program, you’ll be prompted to choose whether you want to create a new wallet or import a current one.

Select “Create a new wallet”. Now you’ll be shown a 12-word seed or a recovery phrase which you must write down.

Make a note of it and save it. Do not share it with anyone. The wallet cannot be accessed if the recovery phrase is lost.

After then, double-check your backup phrase by inputting the words in the right sequence.

Your account has now been created and you will be able to access your wallet.

Note, your can use any other DEX wallet (Metamask, Exodus, Ledger, SafePal, Trezor) or Web3 exchanges wallet where you have the private keys or 12 phrases saved such as Binance or OKX Web3 etc.

Never use any CEX exchanges address to save your AAS Token. AAS won't be liable for any loss.
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