BSF Rules

Read BSF forum rules
  • Please we urge all unregistered users to swiftly register to enable you enjoy loads of benefits rollingout in our community. Be open to opportunities to do good for someone else today. Anything that do not please God in your life has come to distroy you.

1. Please post in the appropriate place for each subject and refrain from posting off-topic to avoid derailment.

2. Don't mistreat, intimidate, fight, intentionally insult, or irritate fellow BSF members or their tribes, state, or country or wish them harm.

3. Don't incite, condone, or defend acts of violence (such as rape) against any individual, tribe, state, country, race, animal, or group.

4. The section on hidden sexuality should be the exclusive forum for discussions of the art of making love, and nude pictures or porn videos are not allowed.

5. Don't upload any repulsive or obscene images or videos to any BSF forum section.

6. Posting advertisements or affiliate links outside of designated BSF sections is highly prohibited.

7. Don't say, do, or threaten to do anything that could jeopardize BSF's safety, prosperity, or good name.

8. Avoid posting misleading content in the BSF community.

9. Avoid using BSF for illicit activities, such as hacking, plagiarism, fraud, inciting secession, or hosting gay or lesbian gatherings.

10. Respect the privacy of every BSF member by not, for example, sharing their personal images, information, or chats without their consent.

11. Avoid making articles that are too eye-catching by using large font sizes, ALL CAPS, bold text, distracting image spaces, etc.

12. It is not appropriate to include signatures in posts. Instead, update your profile with the appropriate signature.

13. Please use the BSF (Report) button to report any post or topic that breaks the BSF community rules.

14. Before starting a new thread on BSF, please search the forum first to avoid posting already-existing similar posts.

15. Avoid trying to use misspelled versions of banned words on social media on BSF.

16. Avoid endorsing dubious investments in BSF, such as MLM and HYIP.

18. Avoid spamming the BSF forum community by repeatedly posting the same content or placing advertisements in inappropriate places.

19. After being banned, don't use different accounts to access BSF. Make sure we don't find out if you do.

20. You must send complaints privately to moderators. Do not offend, disobey, or disparage BSF community moderators.

21. To make your posts worthwhile for the pin thread or other promotional purposes, please use proper spelling and punctuation when posting.

22. Avoid requesting investments or contact information (phone, email, or BSF pin) from BSF members.

23. You consent to refrain from posting any content that is protected by copyright unless Bible Study Forum owns the copyright or you have the author's prior written consent. If not, do correctly cite each and every article.

24. Please keep in mind that BSF is not accountable to any post submitted by members. We are not liable for the contents of any message and neither do we guarantee nor attest to the truth, completeness, or utility of any message. The messages don't always reflect the opinions of, rather, they reflect the opinions of the message's author. Users are advised to email us right away if they find anything posted unpleasant. We have the option to remove offensive communications, and if we decide that removal is required, we will try our best to do it within a fair amount of time.

25. There's no need to go overboard because following these principles isn't all that difficult. They are merely rules to ensure that everyone has a fair conversation. The staff at Bible Study Forum has the last say over any infractions of the aforementioned. Please use the contact page to get in touch with us if you need to discuss your concerns about a specific moderator, or ask to speak with senior admin. We like to think of ourselves as generally decent people. Let's make BSF a place to learn, grow stronger and learn from each other.

  • Published
    Aug 22, 2023
  • Page views