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    Open Heaven Open Heaven Daily Devotional Sunday December 1 2024

    OPEN HEAVENS DAILY DEVOTIONAL DATE: SUNDAY DECEMBER 1ST 2024 TOPIC: YOUR HOMETOWN MUST BE SAVED MEMORY VERSE: “And they departed, and went through the towns, preaching the gospel, and healing every where.” - (Luke 9:6) READ: GENESIS 18:16-33 (KJV) 16 And the men rose up from thence, and...
  2. admin

    Moral Lessons What are moral lessons from Lazarus?

    A MESSAGE FROM LAZARUS My name is Lazarus, I am sure you still recognize me. My body was always covered with sores, your house dogs loved licking my sores. I was always there by your gate, and I knew you had more than enough to eat and drink, every day you had a party in this house. You always...
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    Bible Study What is the book of Luke 16:19-31 teaching us?

    HOLY GOSPEL of Jesus Christ from the book of Saint Luke 16:19-31 Jesus said to the Pharisees: "There was a rich man who dressed in purple garments and fine linen and dined sumptuously each day. Lying at his door was a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who would gladly have eaten his...
  4. admin

    Bible Study What are the mystery of asking, seeking and knocking?

    THE MYSTERY OF ASKING, SEEKING, KNOCKING(Matt 7:7) AND WHY MUST YOU BE LIKE A LITTLE CHILD(Matt 18:3). (PART ONE) Explanation through the spirit of God. Prayers: father God we thank thee for your faithfulness I say may you alone be exalted, oh Lord as am about to...