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  1. AdServersite

    Prayer 72 prayer points with bible verses

    72 prayer points with Bible verses that you can use for spiritual growth, guidance, and to strengthen your faith. These prayers cover different aspects of life like protection, strength, deliverance, healing, and God's provision. Prayer for Wisdom Bible Verse: James 1:5 "If any of you lacks...
  2. admin

    Addiction Addiction - My help comes from the LORD - Psalm 121:1

    Psalm 121:1 My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. No man can help his self. If you think you can help yourself without God You will keep on repeating same mistake or sin. When I see people, who are addicted from other things to another It really touch me when I see...
  3. admin

    Bible Study Ways to pull out of ugly situation

    TOPIC: COME OUT,STAND OUT AND BE BLESSED. TEXT:Gen.12:1 If you want to come out from your ugly situation,you must decide Until you decide to come out,you will never go far in life To come out you must separate your self from some addiction. If you can't come out, you can't stand out. To come...