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  1. admin

    ?Ask Can you leave good things for the sake of God ?

    GIVING UP ‘GOOD THINGS’ The first man to leave good things for the sake of his God was Abraham. It’s no surprise that he is called the Father of faith. Today, despite all the glorious revelations we receive through the Word of God, and other matchless blessings we have in this God, and other...
  2. admin

    Bible Study The benefits of obeying the Word of God

    BEING OBEDIENT TO THE WORD OF GOD When we say being obedient to the word of God, remember John 1 let's us understand that In The beginning was the word and the word was with God and God was the word. Downward of the verse let's us know the word became flesh and we beheld his glory which is the...
  3. admin

    Bible Study Bible Study - Isaiah 62:1-8

    NIV Bible. Isaiah 62:1-8 [1]For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her vindication shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch. [2]The nations will see your vindication, and all kings your glory; you will be...
  4. Stalwart23

    Bible Study The day of the Lord - 1 Thessalonians 5

    1 Thessalonians 5 NIV The Day of the Lord 5:1 Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them...
  5. admin

    Bible Verses Bible verses on revival journey

    Revival Bible verses Psalm 85:6 "Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?" Will you not bring us back to life so that your people can celebrate you? This one is taken directly from the spiritual wake-up call script. It's similar like waking up in the morning and...
  6. AdServersite

    Satan and Evil Spirits List of Bible Verses about Devil

    Bible Verses on Devil Be watchful and sober-minded. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, hunting for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 Our war is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, authorities, powers of this dark world, and spiritual forces of evil in the...
  7. admin

    Bible Study What is Matthew 6:22-23 teaching us about light ?

    The Light In You Today's Scripture Matthew 6:22-23 AMPC “The eye is the lamp of the body. So if your eye is sound, your entire body will be full of light. But if your eye is unsound, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the very light in you [your conscience] is darkened, how...
  8. Stalwart23

    Bible Study Tips to make Christian progress

    THE LADDER OF CHRISTIAN PROGRESS Faith 1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrew 11:1) The follower of Christ must have faith abiding in the heart; for without this it is impossible to please God. Faith is the hand that takes hold of infinite...
  9. admin

    Bible Study What is Bible teaching in Isaiah 43:10 - 13

    Fear Not, God Is With You. Let pray, Our Father in heaven we are greatful for yet another wonderful and glorious day. We appreciate you so much for your mercies in our lives in Jesus mighty name. May the Lord bless His Holy Word. Isaiah 43:10,11 & 13. So do not fear, for I am with you, you not...
  10. F

    The Book of Psalms Things to know about Psalms 46:10

    The Book of Psalms is in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. It is also the first book of the third section of the Hebrew Bible, known as the Writings (Ketuvim). In most Bibles, the Book of Psalms is located between Job and Proverbs. What You Need To Know About Psalms 46:10 Psalms 46:10...
  11. admin

    Bible Study Things to know about the Word of God

    > Rallying Around the Word > Rising Point for Christ "Every word of God is tested [pure, flawless]" (Prov. 30:5). God’s Word is without error. Inerrancy is a term that conveys the belief that the original writings of Scripture are wholly true in everything they teach— whether doctrine...
  12. AdServersite

    Bible Topics 25 Bible topics with Bible verses

    List of 25 Bible topics Love Romans 12:9–21; 1 Corinthians 13; 1 John Relationships with friends: 1 Samuel 18:1–20; 1 Corinthians 13–1 John; Song of Solomon; Romans 7:14–25; Romans 8 Living by the Spirit Galatians 5:16–26 and Romans 8: Forgiveness Joseph (Genesis 37–50); Philemon; Matthew...
  13. AdServersite

    Prayer 70 prayer points list for breakthrough with Bible verses

    Christ Jesus is at the center of every breakthrough. He is the embodiment of God's might and the fulfillment of God's promises. The Bible serves as a constant reminder of God's selfless love, His triumph over sin and death, and His unwavering support during difficult times. Let us focus on...
  14. AdServersite

    Bible Quiz 87 book of Genesis quiz and answers with bible verses

    List of Bible quiz and answers with bible verses 1. Provide references to Genesis Chapters 1–3 that provide a few hints of the Holy Trinity. "Let US make man in OUR own likeness and image," says Gen. 1:1, 1:3, and 1:26. "The man has become like one of Us," says Genesis 3:22. 2. The world was...
  15. admin

    Spirituality Understanding Spiritual Wellness - 3 John 1:2

    THE SPIRITUAL WELLNESS THEME: KEEPING CHRIST IN VIEW OCTOBER 1 TOPIC: Understanding Spiritual Wellness TEXT: 3 John 1:2 "Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.." Brethren. Spiritual wellness is a crucial yet often...
  16. admin

    ?Ask List of Reasons Everybody Must Study The Bible

    7 REASONS EVERYBODY MUST STUDY THE BIBLE Just like the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15, a young man left his father to join the military. He went through unspeakable hardship because he had nothing to live on. He wrote his father, requesting for some money but his father had a better...
  17. AdServersite

    Bible Verses List of Bible Verses on Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving Scriptures: Expressing Sincere Appreciation to God These inspired verses of thankfulness from the Bible give us hope and demonstrate the actual meaning of Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving, or any other time of the year, makes it very simple to become so wrapped up in our to-do list and...
  18. Stalwart23

    Bible Study What are benefits of being punctual? John 20:24

    PUNCTUALITY Now Thomas, called the Twin, one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. (John 20:24) Punctuality means being on time, and it’s part of an excellent character. No one wants to be known as the person who always comes late to school, events and meetings. Such people aren’t...
  19. admin

    Risk What are useful habits that can help me a lot in my daily life?

    What are healthy, accepted manners? 1. In order to be happier Speak with someone who is upbeat. Write down a few positive things that happen to you every day as a way to show your gratitude. Laugh, if you have to force yourself to. Endorphins are released just by laughing. Walk or exercise...
  20. admin

    ?Ask How should I educate myself on missionary work?

    A person who embarks on a religious mission with the goal of evangelizing to others—typically but not always abroad—is referred to as a "missionary". In a sense, Jesus served as a missionary, traveling the world and sharing his faith while preparing people for salvation. Jesus was not the first...