canada visa

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  1. admin

    I-140 and Related Issues I-140 approved, Canadian overseas, Is it possible for me to travel within the United States ?

    Hi there, Recently, my I-140 was approved. I work in consular processing and reside in Canada. Have you ever taken a vacation trip to the United States (Canada does not require a visa) while your I-140 was approved and awaiting processing by the consulate? The wait time for consular processing...
  2. admin

    Canadian Experience Class Canada visa valid or not ?

    My S1 visa is still in effect. I traveled to India due to a personal emergency. However, now that I have my work permit, I have already applied for a new TRV. I created a webform to cancel the recently applied TRV as soon as I realized I could use the student TRV for my trip. My application was...