
  • Please we urge all unregistered users to swiftly register to enable you enjoy loads of benefits rollingout in our community. Be open to opportunities to do good for someone else today. Anything that do not please God in your life has come to distroy you.
  1. admin

    Church And the LORD our God delivered him before us - Deuteronomy 2:33

    Deuteronomy 2:33 And the LORD our God delivered him before us; and we smote him, and his sons, and all his people. The Lord of Host shall deliver all your enemies into your hands, those who stand on your ways to the top shall be consumed. Every enemies of your glorious destiny shall be...
  2. admin

    Encouragement How do I come out of situations that look permanent

    You may have situations that look permanent. All the circumstances say, “It will never work out, it’s been that way too long, the odds are against you.” God is not limited by what limits us. We’re natural; He’s supernatural. He’s saying to you today, “A turnaround is coming.” He’s going to turn...
  3. E

    Spirituality What ways can I fulfill my Destiny and purpose Psalms 32:8

    I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go; I will fix mine eyes upon thee. Psalms 32:8 JUB In your pursuit of purpose, you will find out that you are in defined and designed path. Walking through it to reach the end becomes destiny for you. Three things are required of...
  4. E

    ?Ask How Do I avoid frustrated life?

    Are you living frustrated because your prayers aren’t being answered the way you want, your plans are not working out? Take the pressure off. God is in control. He knows what’s best for you. You’re not going to understand it all. If you did, you wouldn’t need any faith. I’m asking you to...
  5. Stalwart23

    ?Ask Is God aware of troubles of the future in our life?

    Just because something doesn’t work out the way you thought, doesn’t mean that you have to settle for second best and God has to come up with a plan B. God already knew what was going to happen. He knew who was going to walk away. He knew what doors would close. He knew you would spend time...
  6. BSF

    ?Ask Is our destiny more important than the kind of person we desire to be?

    There is no vacuum in God’s plan. Fulfillment in divine plan is not a function of size or human connection. It is a function of grace and mercies of God. There is no divine seed that will not announce itself on earth in due season. I declare, the voices that have written you off shall be humbled...
  7. Stalwart23

    Church By the mercy of God

    By the mercy of God, he shall be well with you and your siblings in Jesus name You will reach your goal, in Jesus name You will fulfill your destiny, in Jesus name Whatever you lay your hands upon shall prosper, in Jesus name God will give you a Christmas gift in advance, in Jesus name God...
  8. E

    Church 1 Kings 1:29‭-‬30 When David spoke to Bathsheba the second time

    When David spoke to Bathsheba the second time in the name of the Lord before prophet Nathan that Solomon was destined to be king after him, that day he reopened the closed destiny book of Solomon which was closed. The closed book made him sit inactive and Adonijah took his place. Likewise the...
  9. BSF

    You shall fulfil your purpose in life

    God's purpose for your life cannot be frustrated, in Jesus name The devil cannot frustrate God's plan for your life. Whatever the plans of the enemy, God's purpose for your life will come to pass, in Jesus name You're blessed and be happy always beloved. Always pray and make a lot of people...