encouragement forum

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  1. admin

    Encouragement Life is designed for times and seasons

    Life is designed for times and seasons. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; When you understand the seasons and accept...
  2. BSF

    Encouragement How Will I Allow God To Do It On His Own Time?

    Sometimes, we want something so badly that it can get out of balance. We’re not going to be happy unless God does it our way. You have to put it on the altar. Don’t release the dream, don’t give up on the promise, but release control of how God is going to bring it to pass. He may not do it...
  3. admin

    Encouragement Motivational words

    Everyone call of God, is for glorification My shame end in your life. In life To accomplish the possible you must believe it is possible Mark 9:23 _Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. True greatness is not about never falling but...
  4. E

    Encouragement Am I born to overcome?

    Everyone call of God, is for glorification My shame end in your life. In life To accomplish the possible you must believe it is possible Mark 9:23 _Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. True greatness is not about never falling but...
  5. admin

    ?Ask What will happen if I keep doing in the past mistakes?

    Don’t let something that happened in the past define your life. Don’t get stuck in your circumstances, but realize that beyond what you see are greater heights, greater victories, greater strength, and greater anointing. The only way you’re going to find the greater things and get to the place...
  6. Stalwart23

    Encouragement Is Right To Keep Dowelling in the Past?

    FRESH DEW Let go of the past. It's time to focus on what's ahead and what's possible. If your goal gives you butterflies in your stomach,it's a good sign you are about to expand your world. Celebrate your new year with goals to make progress in at least one area of your life, use the power of...
  7. Stalwart23

    ?Ask How do I avoid giving up and losing hope?

    It’s easy to allow an event or a circumstance in our lives to define us—maybe it’s a broken marriage, maybe the loss of a job, maybe family troubles. We wrongly think, “There’s nothing I can do to ever get out of this or make things better.” Sometimes, we can get so distracted by our...
  8. admin

    God loves you unconditionally

    Men and brethren, can you picture it, can you imagine what God is going to do in your life this ember season 2023? Your mockers shall be in shock. Those who have said where is your God, those who echoed that you will be crucified, those who have hoped and murmured that God is going to strike you...