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  1. AdServersite

    Prayer 72 prayer points with bible verses

    72 prayer points with Bible verses that you can use for spiritual growth, guidance, and to strengthen your faith. These prayers cover different aspects of life like protection, strength, deliverance, healing, and God's provision. Prayer for Wisdom Bible Verse: James 1:5 "If any of you lacks...
  2. admin

    Spirituality What is the Interconnection between the Law and grace ?

    What is the Interconnection between the Law and grace ? There are often misunderstandings concerning the law of God and the grace of God. Some believe God’s law and grace are contrary to each other. But a full understanding of the Bible shows that the opposite is true. Law and grace are...
  3. Stalwart23

    Church Jesus forgives - Matthew 18:35

    Praise the Lord “JESUS FORGIVES” Glory be to God's most holy name! Beloved in Christ! The word our Lord God wants to speak to us now is "Jesus forgives". Awesome guys! These days, we are unwilling to forgive those who wronged against us. But it is our custom to seek forgiveness from the...