girls forum

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  1. admin

    ?Ask How should women dress?

    DRESS WELL House Flies get attracted to opened food. Animals in general, get attracted to open food. They see it, and they want to dig into it. But houseflies, many of them want to have a taste of an easily accessible food simply because it's open. Human beings also get attracted to food...
  2. admin

    Child Education List of things you need to tell your daughter as she grows

    41 THINGS TO TELL YOUR DAUGHTERS AS THEY GROW...✍ 1: Tell your daughter that Money has no gender. She can make money the way any Man can make it and even more. 2: Tell her to step into the FIELD not the BED to make money. Money from the field comes with dignity, money from the Bed comes with...
  3. BSF

    Relationship How do I know this person is the right person for me

    The heart of who you want to marry is more important than their appearance. Know this; know peace. Dating isn't about making someone feel special for only 2 weeks & then keeping them wondering as to what went wrong!!! You can't loiter around the corridor of sexual immorality and stay sexually...