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  1. admin

    Addiction Addiction - My help comes from the LORD - Psalm 121:1

    Psalm 121:1 My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. No man can help his self. If you think you can help yourself without God You will keep on repeating same mistake or sin. When I see people, who are addicted from other things to another It really touch me when I see...
  2. Stalwart23

    Manage Home In what ways can I appreciate the man in my life?

    DEAR LADY, APPRECIATE YOUR MAN: 1. Appreciate your man if he treats you well. It is hard to find a good man 2. Appreciate your man if he is faithful to you. It is easier to find an unfaithful man than it is to find a faithful one 3. Appreciate your man if he works hard to provide for your...
  3. AdServersite

    Literature What is a good daily habit?

    When you feel that your stomach is 80% full, stop eating. Consume more veggies and fruits. Eat as little junk food as you can. Develop the daily habit of reading a few pages from a book. Every day, walk for at least 30 minutes. Avoid spending a lot of time sitting still. Make occasional...
  4. AdServersite

    Literature Which behaviors should one establish in 2024?

    Sip some water. Speak with someone upbeat. Every day, list three positive things that happened to you. Laugh, if you have to force yourself to. Endorphins are released just by laughing. Take in some sunshine (or, on a gloomy day, some positive energy). Do some exercise or practice meditation...