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  1. admin

    Relationship How to get rid of old relationship

    Getting rid of an old relationship—whether it’s lingering emotions, memories, or even a toxic connection—takes time and effort. Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you move on: 1. Cut Contact (If Necessary) If the relationship ended badly or still affects your mental health, limit or...
  2. AdServersite

    Prayer 97 prayer points on financial breakthrough with Bible verses and a brief summary of each prayer point

    97 prayer points on financial breakthrough, each paired with a Bible verse and a brief summary of each prayer point. These prayers focus on divine provision, prosperity, debt cancellation, blessings, and success in financial matters. Prayer for Divine ProvisionBible Verse: Philippians 4:19...
  3. AdServersite

    Prayer 72 prayer points with bible verses

    72 prayer points with Bible verses that you can use for spiritual growth, guidance, and to strengthen your faith. These prayers cover different aspects of life like protection, strength, deliverance, healing, and God's provision. Prayer for Wisdom Bible Verse: James 1:5 "If any of you lacks...
  4. E

    Bible Study Faith Healing and Health 1 Peter 1:23 AMP

    FAITH’S PROCLAMATIONS OF HEALING AND HEALTH “For you have been born again [that is, reborn from above – spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose] not of seed which is perishable but [from that which is] imperishable and immortal, that is, through the living and...