
  • Please we urge all unregistered users to swiftly register to enable you enjoy loads of benefits rollingout in our community. Be open to opportunities to do good for someone else today. Anything that do not please God in your life has come to distroy you.
  1. admin

    Moral Lessons 100 Years from Now

    100 YEARS FROM NOW 100 years from now will be the year 2124. By then, every single reader of this piece will be underground, our bodies having become part of the soil. During that time, our fate in respect to paradise or hell would have been made known to us. Meanwhile above the soil, our...
  2. admin

    Our God Creator of heaven and earth

    Creator of heaven and earth, blessed are all that come in Your holy name, my Lord. Every day that I bear witness to Your creation I thank you, wondrous God, for each day is truly a gift. Strengthen my faith in You, knowing that there is a divine plan that I may not always understand. I ask all...