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  1. admin

    Bible Verses Think of it all as joy

    James 1:2–3 Think of it all as joy, my brethren, when you go through different trials, knowing that endurance is a result of your faith being tested. 2 Corinthians 1:8–10 Because we don't want you to be ignorant, brothers, of the hardship that we endured in Asia, where we were so overburdened...
  2. E

    Bible Study How will I experience indescribable joy daily? Psalm 16:11

    EXUBERANT JOY It’s easy to allow an event or a circumstance in our lives to define us—maybe it’s a broken marriage, maybe the loss of a job, maybe family troubles. We wrongly think, “There’s nothing I can do to ever get out of this or make things better.” Sometimes, we can get so distracted by...