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    Relationship What is courtship with bible verse Amos 3:3

    UNDERSTAND WHAT IS COURTSHIP WHAT IS COURTSHIP? Simply put, courtship is a period of time where two lovers having decided to marry, are working towards marriage. At this level, a proposal would have been made signalling engagement or commitment by both lovers. Of course, at this level, both...
  2. admin

    Relationship How will I be able to marry alright?

    Delilah pretended to love Samson while she was on a mission to destroy him. May God expose every pretender in your life. You have no business being good in bed as an unmarried person. There’s forever in marriage to learn and get better. May you marry that person you are dating now. Do your...
  3. admin

    ?Ask How do I know if a woman is the right partner to marry?

    A virtues woman or a good man doesn't come by mare wishing for it or desiring it. I wish you good wife in Jesus name. You will not marry wrongly in Jesus name. God will give you a woman that fear Him A woman with a good character God will give you A woman that is humble God will give you A...