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  1. admin

    Church The Ministry of Angels and Angelic Teachings

    THE MINISTRY OF ANGELS HOW ACTIVATE AND ENJOY THE MINISTRY OF ANGELS ON EARTH 1. Repenting and surrendering to the Lord ( 1 Chronicles 21:16 ) 2. Obedience to the Commands of God given to His Angels to deliver them to us ( Judges 13:16 ) 3. Offering and Living as a Sacrifice unto God (...
  2. admin

    ?Ask What ways do I wait on God?

    As a teenager, David was anointed to be the next king of Israel, but he didn't go straight to the throne. God hid him away for years in isolation, doing the same thing he'd been doing, taking care of his father's sheep. This period of isolation was an incredibly important time in David's life...
  3. BSF

    Moral Lessons How do I found joy? Psalm 118:24, ESV

    CHOOSE JOY. Today's Scripture This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24, ESV Today's Word Did you make up your mind to be happy this morning? It's important to be on the offensive when it comes to your happiness. If you don't set the tone early...
  4. E

    Psalm 61:4 A Refuge to Run To

    A Refuge to Run To | By: Gwen Smith Our boo boo bunny was pink and lived in the freezer. We used it a lot. When my kids were small, I loved to take them outside or to the park for play dates. Often there was at least a dab of drama, usually because someone got hurt. When they fell and skinned...
  5. admin

    ?Ask Who is God Almighty with Bible verses?

    The Bible explains who God is to us. God is the universe's all-powerful Creator. The Lord exists in three divine persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He is holy, compassionate, and flawless. God is completely trustworthy and secure. He is the only one who can save us. I urge you to...