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  1. admin

    Satan and Evil Spirits If God created devil perfect where did evil comes from ?

    That’s a deep question, and it gets into the heart of free will and the nature of perfection. According to Christian theology, God created Lucifer as a perfect being, meaning he was beautiful, wise, and without sin. However, "perfection" doesn’t mean he was incapable of making choices. True...
  2. E

    Spirituality Is Vices Spiritual Weeds?

    Vices Are Spiritual Weeds Do you know what weeds do to crops in the farm? They eat up the soil nutrients which are meant for the crops, thereby making the crops go hungry and dry up. The crops then become sickly and unable to bear good fruits. Weeds are parasites and they must be rooted out if...
  3. admin

    Daily Devotional Is Slothfulness an act of rebellion toward the Lord?

    The Kingdom Sermon Or Message,Slothfulness Or Laziness Is An Act Of Rebellion Toward The Lord. Devotional Ephesians 2:8-10, Slothfulness is an act of rebellion toward the Lord. He created us with a sense of purpose so that we would be productive. When we choose to be lazy, we are guilty of...