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  1. AdServersite

    Prayer 72 prayer points with bible verses

    72 prayer points with Bible verses that you can use for spiritual growth, guidance, and to strengthen your faith. These prayers cover different aspects of life like protection, strength, deliverance, healing, and God's provision. Prayer for Wisdom Bible Verse: James 1:5 "If any of you lacks...
  2. admin

    Bible Verses Bible verses on revival journey

    Revival Bible verses Psalm 85:6 "Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?" Will you not bring us back to life so that your people can celebrate you? This one is taken directly from the spiritual wake-up call script. It's similar like waking up in the morning and...
  3. F

    Relationship Ways to keep Sexual Purity in United States of America

    Sexual Purity Is Possible While in United States of America, I looked into her eyes and told her that, kissing, romance and sex would wait till marriage. Even if I asked for it don't give it to me, for I might be under a spell For Purity is Power Please don’t get tired of reading this because...
  4. Stalwart23

    Spirituality Why some Christians lack spiritual fire - Revealation 3:15-16

    REASONS WHY MOST BELIEVERS LACK SPIRITUAL FIRE Before I begin, can I submit it to you that Spiritual fire is not gotten accidentally. There are things that when they are wilfully lacking in your life, you will become as cold as ice. “I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that...