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    Genesis Biblical Teachings and Moral Lessons from Genesis 1:11

    Biblical Teachings from Genesis 1:11 ("Then God said, ‘Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.’ And it was so.") 1. God is the Source of Growth and Provision This verse teaches that God is the...
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    Relationship Ways to keep Sexual Purity in United States of America

    Sexual Purity Is Possible While in United States of America, I looked into her eyes and told her that, kissing, romance and sex would wait till marriage. Even if I asked for it don't give it to me, for I might be under a spell For Purity is Power Please don’t get tired of reading this because...
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    Spirituality What is the Interconnection between the Law and grace ?

    What is the Interconnection between the Law and grace ? There are often misunderstandings concerning the law of God and the grace of God. Some believe God’s law and grace are contrary to each other. But a full understanding of the Bible shows that the opposite is true. Law and grace are...
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    Spirituality How do I know my enemy?

    Know your enemy! He is not without, he is within! He is amongst the circle of your friends but mostly he is within yourself. He has extended his borders within your heart. You are heartless because your heart is almost used up by the enemy! Your thoughts are your greatest enemies, they devise...
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    Spirituality What are the purpose for the spirit through communion? 1 John 4:17

    TEACHING ON THE HOLY SPIRIT PURPOSE FOR THE SPIRIT THROUGH COMMUNION 1 JH 4:17 1. To have the Spirit to run the fullness race of grace towards our commission ( 2 Timothy 4:7-8 ) 2. To manifest the greatest miracles of God in power ( Acts 5:15-16 ) 3. To have a great and unforgettable name...