social media

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  1. AdServersite

    Artificial Intelligent (AI) An artificial intelligence (AI) image has no place on social media networks

    Social media is meant to be a user-generated content platform. Given that every image we view is artificial intelligence (AI) created, what utility is having user-provided content? It doesn't seem at all real.
  2. admin

    Manage Home How do I talk about any issue with my child? No child is irredeemable

    Please read patiently, and pass to all Parents and Teachers by sharing this post to all your social media channels and page. Copy the link of this post and post it in your WhatsApp status too. The Teaching and Non-teaching Staff of Ever-Best Grammar School were summoned for an emergency meeting...
  3. admin

    ?Ask What are some signs that you are an exceptionally bright and intelligent person?

    People with intelligence don't get upset over little things easily. They talk very slowly. What's going through their minds isn't shown or revealed. They don't reveal their plans with ease or grace. They don't tell their loved ones everything. They respect personal space. They respect and are...
  4. admin

    Business Are marketing automation and customer relationships important for small businesses?

    Small firms have unique challenges at the outset. This is due to the fact that they have fewer resources and workers. They can, however, level the playing field and successfully compete with some technologies. For small organizations, these technologies include marketing automation and...