spiritual growth

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  1. admin

    Prayer Morning Prayer: Walking in God's Light and Purpose

    Morning Prayer: Walking in God's Light and Purpose (Based on Genesis 1:16 – "God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.") Opening Worship and Thanksgiving Heavenly Father, I come before You this morning with...
  2. AdServersite

    Prayer Texas U.S. | 19 prayer points with bible verses on financial breakthrough

    19 Powerful Prayers for Financial Breakthrough & Prosperity Pray for financial breakthroughs with Bible-based prayer points. Ask God for divine provision, prosperity, and wisdom to manage wealth according to His will. Here are 19 powerful prayer points with Bible verses for financial...
  3. admin

    Prayer Morning Prayer: Shining with God’s Light

    Morning Prayer: Shining with God’s Light (Based on Genesis 1:15 – "And let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth." And it was so.) Heavenly Father, This morning, I come before You with gratitude for the light of a new day. Just as You placed lights in the sky to...
  4. admin

    Motivation Biblical Motivation from Genesis 1:14

    Genesis 1:14 (KJV) says: "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years." Biblical Motivation from Genesis 1:14 God is a God of Order – This verse shows that God created...
  5. admin

    Prayer Morning Prayer: Walking in God’s Light and Purpose

    Morning Prayer: Walking in God’s Light and Purpose (Based on Genesis 1:14 – "And God said, ‘Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years.’") Opening Prayer Heavenly Father, I come before...
  6. admin

    Inspiration Words of Wisdom from Genesis 1:13

    Words of Wisdom from Genesis 1:13 Genesis 1:13 (KJV) – "And the evening and the morning were the third day." This verse may seem simple, but it carries deep spiritual wisdom. It marks the completion of the third day of creation, a day when God formed the dry land, seas, and vegetation. Let's...
  7. admin

    Nuggets Biblical Nugget on Genesis 1:13

    Genesis 1:13 (KJV) says: "And the evening and the morning were the third day." Biblical Nugget on Genesis 1:13 The Completion of the Third Day This verse marks the conclusion of the third day of creation. By this time, God had already created light (Day 1) and separated the waters to form...
  8. admin

    Prayer Morning Prayer: Embracing God’s Perfect Timing

    Morning Prayer: Embracing God’s Perfect Timing (Based on Genesis 1:13 – "And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.") Heavenly Father, This morning, I come before You with a heart full of gratitude. Your Word reminds me that You created time and order in the world, and...
  9. admin

    Prayer Motivational Morning Prayer: A Day of Fruitfulness and Abundance

    Motivational Morning Prayer: A Day of Fruitfulness and Abundance (Based on Genesis 1:12 – "The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.") Heavenly Father, This...
  10. admin

    Genesis Biblical Teachings and Moral Lessons from Genesis 1:11

    Biblical Teachings from Genesis 1:11 ("Then God said, ‘Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.’ And it was so.") 1. God is the Source of Growth and Provision This verse teaches that God is the...
  11. admin

    Inspiration Biblical encouragement from Genesis 1 vs 8

    Biblical Encouragement from Genesis 1:8 “God called the vault ‘sky.’ And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day.” This verse may seem simple, but it carries deep meaning about God’s authority, His order, and His perfect timing. It reminds us that God is always working...
  12. admin

    Motivation Biblical Motivation from Genesis 1:7

    Biblical Motivation from Genesis 1:7 “So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so.” This verse highlights God’s power to separate, establish, and bring order to creation. It reminds us that just as He structured the heavens and the...
  13. AdServersite

    Prayer 72 prayer points with bible verses

    72 prayer points with Bible verses that you can use for spiritual growth, guidance, and to strengthen your faith. These prayers cover different aspects of life like protection, strength, deliverance, healing, and God's provision. Prayer for Wisdom Bible Verse: James 1:5 "If any of you lacks...
  14. E

    Spirituality You will have to die before I give you revival

    The Lord ministered and said: " you'll have to DIE before I give you REVIVAL" FIRE does not fall on Fresh Woods, Fire only falls on Dead and Dry woods. If you must carry the Revival Fire, then you must be ready to offer yourself as a living Sacrifice. Romans 12:1 "...that ye present your...
  15. admin

    Faith What is Colossians 1:6 teaching us?

    Colossians 1:6 states: "And now it has spread to you also, just as it has spread to all the world, and is bringing forth fruit, just as it has among you from the day you heard it and truly comprehended the grace of God." Spiritual Significance 1. Universal Gospel: The message of Christ...
  16. Stalwart23

    Bible Study What Is The Holy Spirit’s primary role

    AN INSTRUCTED SCRIBE. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. John 14:26. The Holy Spirit is the ultimate author of the Bible. He is the one who...
  17. admin

    Spirituality Understanding Spiritual Wellness - 3 John 1:2

    THE SPIRITUAL WELLNESS THEME: KEEPING CHRIST IN VIEW OCTOBER 1 TOPIC: Understanding Spiritual Wellness TEXT: 3 John 1:2 "Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.." Brethren. Spiritual wellness is a crucial yet often...
  18. admin

    Spirituality How will I cope with sexual urges during Courtship?

    While praying a while back before heading for a vigil, the Holy Spirit whispered something to me. "Do you know why many young Men/Women struggle with maintaining sexual Purity in relationships and can't stay in a Relationship without sex?" I knew the answer would follow so I kept quiet...
  19. admin

    Spirituality What are the purpose for the spirit through communion? 1 John 4:17

    TEACHING ON THE HOLY SPIRIT PURPOSE FOR THE SPIRIT THROUGH COMMUNION 1 JH 4:17 1. To have the Spirit to run the fullness race of grace towards our commission ( 2 Timothy 4:7-8 ) 2. To manifest the greatest miracles of God in power ( Acts 5:15-16 ) 3. To have a great and unforgettable name...
  20. admin

    Spirituality Ways to avoid Spirit of Delilah Judges 16:19

    Spirit of Delilah Judges 16:19 And she made him sleep upon her knees; and she called for a man, and she caused him to shave off the seven locks of his head; and she began to afflict him, and his strength went from him. The spirit of Delilah invokes strange spiritual sleep it's victims to...