us constitution

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  1. AdServersite

    USA Who wrote the Declaration of Independence in U.S.?

    The Declaration of Independence was primarily written by Thomas Jefferson in June 1776. He was part of a five-member committee appointed by the Second Continental Congress to draft the document. The committee members were: Thomas Jefferson (Primary Author) John Adams Benjamin Franklin Roger...
  2. AdServersite

    USA How does the USA Electoral College work?

    How the U.S. Electoral College Works The Electoral College is the system the United States uses to elect the President and Vice President. Instead of a direct popular vote, electors from each state cast votes based on the state’s popular vote results. Here’s how it works: 1. Total Electoral...
  3. AdServersite

    USA The 30 benefit of three branches of government in USA?

    30 benefits of the three branches of government in the USA: 1-10: Balance and Stability Prevents dictatorship – No single branch can control the entire government. Maintains democracy – Ensures power is in the hands of the people. Checks and balances – Each branch monitors the others to...
  4. AdServersite

    USA What are the three branches of government in USA?

    The three branches of government in the United States are: Legislative Branch – Makes laws Consists of Congress, which has two parts: Senate (100 members, 2 per state) House of Representatives (435 members, based on state population) Controls federal spending, declares war, and can impeach...
  5. AdServersite

    USA Who was the first President of the United States?

    The first President of the United States was George Washington. He served from April 30, 1789, to March 4, 1797 and is often called the "Father of His Country" for his leadership during the American Revolution and the founding of the U.S. government. History of first President of the United...
  6. AdServersite

    Church What is your take on same-sex marriage and other various issues?

    Do you think America will ever outlaw Christianity given the hateful remarks often directed at some Christian organizations in the country on same-sex marriage and other various issues? Would you be in favor of it? Extremely unlikely. This is the reason why: You know how the people who...