Prayer 30 Potent Bible Verses Based Prayer Points for Revival

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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
A profound spiritual awakening that restores one's relationship with God is called revival. In our homes, churches, communities, and hearts, we can bring revival by relying on His Word and praying fervently.

Here are 30 potent revival prayer points accompanied by Bible verses to help you on your path to rejuvenation and change.​

Bible Verses for Revival Prayer Points:​

Pray for Your Own Revival "Will You not raise us up once more so that Your people can exult in You?" Psalm 85:6 (ESV) Father in heaven, please kindle a deep desire in my heart for You. Fill me with new fire and restore my first love.

Ask for a Repentant Heart.​

"Therefore, turn around and repent so that your sins can be forgiven." — Acts 3:19 (ESV) Lord, please give me a heart that is ready to turn from sin and repent so that I can benefit from Your mercy and grace.

Offer up prayers for spiritual hunger.​

"Those who thirst and hunger for righteousness are blessed because they will be satisfied." — Matthew 5:6 Lord, arouse in me a desire for more of Your righteousness and presence in my life. For a Renewed Mind, Pray "Be transformed by the renewal of your mind, not by conformity to this world." — verse 12 Give me the courage to live in accordance with Your truth, Father, and renew my mind with Your Word.

Offer Up Your Family to God "You and your household will be saved if you believe in the Lord Jesus." — Acts 16:31 Lord, please bring my family back to life.

Bring each member nearer to You and revitalize our faith.​

Pray for Your Church to See Revival.​

"And I also say to you that you are Peter, and that the gates of Hades shall not prevail against My church, which I will build upon this rock." — (ESV) Matthew 16:18 Lord, send a revival flame through my church. Allow the Holy Spirit to powerfully move among us.

Ask for Courage to Proclaim the Good News​

"And pray for me so that I may be given the ability to speak and so that I can boldly share the gospel's mystery." — Pauline Epistles 6:19 Lord, please give me the courage to share the gospel with strength and conviction. Ask for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. "However, after the Holy Spirit has descended upon you, you will possess power." — 1st Acts Please, Holy Spirit, give me Your strength so that I can live a fruitful Christian life.

Ask God to Bring Believers Together.​

"In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I pray that there be no divisions among you, brothers and sisters, and that you all agree with one another in what you say." — 1 Corinthians 1:10 Unite Your church, O Lord. Together, let us stand in faith and love. Offer up prayers for recovery and restoration. "He binds up their wounds and heals the brokenhearted." — Psalm 147:3. Lord, mend those who are grieving and bring those who have strayed from You back.

Beseech for Release from Slavery "Because Christ has set us free, stand firm and refuse to bow down to another yoke of slavery." — Galatians 5:1. Lord, free me and everyone else from the bonds of addiction, sin, and oppression. Ask God for an Intercession Spirit. "And I went about finding a man among them to erect the wall and stand in the opening before me for the land." — 22:30 Ezekiel Lord, please give me the responsibility to fill the void left by others and to pray for their deliverance and rebirth.

Offer Up Your Nation to Revival I will receive word from heaven if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their evil ways. — 2 Chronicles 7:14. Lord, please send a revival across our country. Bring repentance, restoration, and healing.

Ask God to Send a New Wave of the Holy Spirit "God declares that He will pour out His Spirit on everyone in the last days." — Acts 2:17 Lord, please send Your Spirit to us in a powerful and new way. Ask God's Word to be Revival: "God's word is alive and active." More cutting-edge than a double-edged sword — Hebrews 4:12 Lord, renew in my heart and all believers' hearts a profound love for Your Word. "Happy are the pure in heart, for they shall see God," is a prayer for a pure heart. — Matthew 5:8 Lord, purify my heart and instill a right spirit in me.

Ask God to give you a humble spirit. "God is against the arrogant but favors the lowly." — James 4:6 Lord, please help me to walk humbly, understanding that everything I own is a gift from You.

Ask God to Bring Back Worship "Those who worship God must worship in spirit and truth, for God is spirit." — John 4:24 Lord, please send a genuine worshipful spirit into my life and the lives of people around me. Pray for the Opening of Spiritual Eyes "Open my eyes so I can see amazing things found in your laws." — Psalm 119:18 Lord, please open my eyes to see the needs of people around me and the veracity of Your Word. Ask for Joy to Be Restored. "You are the strength of the joy of the Lord." — Nehemiah 8:10 Lord, please bring back the delight of my salvation and give me daily strength from it.

Ask God to help you obey His will.​

"You will keep my commandments if you love me."​

John 14:15 Lord, please help me to always walk in accordance with Your Word and do as You say. Ask for a grateful heart in prayer. "Give thanks in all situations, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Corinthians 5:18 Lord, please put a spirit of thankfulness in me for everything You have done and are doing. Pray for a New Understanding of God's Plan Because the Lord says, "I know the plans I have for you, plans for welfare and not evil, to give you future and hope." Jeremiah 29:11 Lord, please open my eyes to Your new purpose for my life.

Pray for the World to Revive "So, go and make disciples in every nation." — Matthew 28:19 Lord, send revival to every corner of the globe. Please let every country learn about You.

In summary​

The first steps in revival are prayer and sincere seeking of God. For anyone seeking spiritual renewal in their life, family, church, or community, these Bible-versed revival prayer points offer a strong foundation. Continue working hard and believing that God will hear your prayers and grant you the desired revival.
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