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Relationship related threads


Premium User
Aug 25, 2023
Leki Lagos


A lot of things have been said and written about the will of God in marriage. Many people, especially Christians, are concerned about marrying the will of God for their lives and not making a marital mistake. This man writing is not an exception.

The importance of marrying God's will is critical, it holds the key to destiny fulfillment and marital success and fulfillment. It prevents, to an extent, a lot of things we're seeing in many marriages today from happening. Things like divorce, abuse, cheating etc.

In Matt. 3:17 the Bible says that, after Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in river Jordan, a voice came from heaven and said, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased". From this Scripture, we understood that the will of God has to do with someone or something that God is pleased with, something or someone that has God's signature and approval on. That's God's will, simply put.

While God did not specially created and ordained anyone for us as a wife or husband, however, it's not everyone He will want us to marry. Among His creatures, there are those He will want us to marry. Maybe you are in a relationship with someone right now and you're confused about whether or not the person is the will of God, this article is for you. Read on...

1. Is The Person A Child Of God?​

As a born again child of God, one thing you need to know is that anyone that's not born again cannot be the will of God for your life. God can't give you a son or daughter of the devil to be your wife or husband. It's not possible.

Bible says don't be unequally yoked with an unbeliever, so if the person is not born again, that's an unequal yoke and cannot be God's will( 2 Cor.6:14-18).

2. Do You Have Peace?​

The Bible says God will keep him(anyone) in perfect peace whose heart is stayed at Him. When you're in God's will, you will enjoy peace of mind.

God gives peace when we're in the center of His will and withdraws peace when we are going contrary to warn us. So, if you don't have peace in your relationship, God is speaking(Ps. 85:8)

3. Do You Have Inner witness?​

Another word for inner witness is conviction, a knowing that something is right and true. You just know within you. There's no iota of doubt.

Inner witness or conviction is another way to discover God's will. You will have a witness within you(Rom. 8:16).

4. Is There Clarity?​

God is not the Author of confusion. When He speaks, it reechoes for the sake of clarify and emphasis so you will know what you're doing(Ps.62:11)

A relationship that confuses your life, you don't know your left from your right again, you don't where the relationship is going or what the relationship is for, God maybe saying something that you need to take a break.

5. What Are People Saying?​

When everyone is against the person you want to marry, your parents, siblings, pastors etc., when dreams and revelations are flying up and down, you need to take a break and think about again.

Through the mouth of 2 or 3 people every matter shall be established, the Bible says. Sometimes, God uses people to warn us against danger ahead.

6. Revelation​

The Bible says that there's a spirit in a man and the Spirit of God grants him inspiration or revelation. The secret things belongs to God but those things there are revealed belongs to us.

Revelation(it can be a dream, vision or trance) is another way to discover God's will in marriage. Through revelation, God speaks to us about a matter. So, what kind of dream are you having about the person, positive or negative?

A lady told me yesterday that the dreams she has been having about the man in her life are all negative and I asked her what she was still doing there.

7. Prayer​

Prayer is an effective way to know the mind of God regarding any matter. When we pray, God answers if we pray right. In finding a wife for Isaac, Abraham's chief servant prayed about the matter and God answered(Gen. 24:12-24).

So, pray about it. Don't be moved by sight. Know the mind of God about the matter. If you're sincere, God will answer you.

Alright, let me stop here. Make sure you marry God's will, it's pays to do so.

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