Church 7 Types of People's Giving in Church

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BSF Senior Staff
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Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria


Long but enlightening and edifying post for all BSF Community members.

Read and learn... One of the purpose of this forum community is learning and discussing matters...

1) Those who don't give because they don't have. And many of these are faithfully serving the Lord in other capacity.

2) Those who have but don't give because they don't know how to give.

There are two categories of this group;
a. Those who don't have the understanding of giving. If they receive the right understanding, they will become givers.

b. Those who don't have the character of giving. These ones, stinginess is in their body.
These ones, no matter what they have, nothing can flow from them. They are more likely to run with the narrative of tithe is not new testament. But actually, it is not about old testament or new testament, it is about their heart - they are not givers.

3) Those who give because they understand giving. They understand the 'why' and the 'how' of giving.
And I can tell you for free, these people are very many. There is nothing you can say about giving that would change what they understand (about giving) both from conviction and experience.

4) Those who give from a standpoint of a faulty understanding or belief system. For example;
'You must give to God to get from God'.
'Give so that your days can be prolonged', etc.

These ones are very vulnerable to charlatans parading as preachers. They can buy soap of 100k because they are made to believe it will put a scent of favour on them. You are likely to find them in the "prophetic churches" (I don't mean to demean the prophetic. I am a prophet myself).

5) Those who don't have any strong view or value on giving. They will yield to anything. If you say they should give, they will give. If you say giving is old testament, they will stop giving.

People in this group have been really affected by the imbalance in the presenting scriptural position on the subject of giving. Many of them have been recruited to antagonize anything giving as far as church is concerned.

6) Those who don't have but possess the understanding of giving, and they would generously give if/when they have. They are sincere. They are related to the group one mentioned above.

7) Those who don't have and don't believe in giving. These ones are the major publicity secretaries for any teaching that seems to be against giving to churches.

This last group, somehow they believe that all churches are the same and that all pastors are the same. They believe money given to every church automatically goes to the pastors account.

This last group are also the ones likely to blame churches for the problem of Nigeria. I heard one musician like that praising daddy Freeze for fighting churches over tithes just because they were discussing on the same program how his musical career went down. You can see the problem.

They are the ones that refer to all churches as business centers and all pastors as business men. Somehow, they are not able to relate to the fact that this is not so. I believe they suffer from some cognitive distortions such as overgeneralization, and others. Their behaviour also looks like delusions, if not, how can someone just believe there is no single church that is faithful or pastor that is faithful. These ones need therapy like cognitive behavioural therapy etc.

When you see comments and posts such as "say no to giving to church", "we don wise up", etc, just know they are the ones. And the interesting this is this, they are shouting those things on top nothing. They don't even have what they say they won't give. Isn't that a problem? That is the problem.

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