Culture A young guy once said to his grandfather, 'Grandpa! How were they able to survive before?

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Culture related threads


Nov 24, 2023
Abuja Nigeria

"A young guy once said to his grandfather, 'Grandpa! How were they able to survive before? Without the internet and without technology​


— without computers.​

Without drones
Not a single Bitcoin
No phones.
- without Facebook

"Just like your generation lives today...- without prayers," the grandfather retorted.​

- without honor.
- without empathy.

A scoundrel who lacks honor.​

- lacking personality - lacking respect
Out of character, lacking modesty and self-love.
- without dignity.

Our lives are a living testament to the fact that we, the people born between 1950 and 1991, are the fortunate ones.​

We never wore helmets when riding bikes.
-We completed our homework after school and played outside until dusk.
-Instead of playing with online pals, we play with actual buddies.
-We should drink tap water instead of bottled water if we ever feel thirsty.
Sharing a glass with our buddies never gets old to us.
-Eating rice meals every day does not cause us to gain weight.
-Even though we were barefoot, nothing occurred to our feet.

To maintain our health, we never take supplements.​

We used to make and play with our own toys.​

Despite their lack of wealth, our parents showed us love instead of material possessions.
- Yes, we had true pals, but we didn't have mobile phones, DVD players, Xboxes, play stations, video games, PCs, or the internet.
-Uninvited, we went to a friend's house and ate dinner with them.
-In order to enjoy family time, relatives lived close by.
- Even though we were featured in black and white pictures, those images contain incredibly vibrant recollections.
Since we are the only generation to have paid attention to their parents, we are a special and more understanding generation."

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