Bible Study Bible Study About Samson: The Recovery of Samson 8

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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
The Recovery of Samson 8

Judges 16:26
And Samson said unto the lad that held him by the hand, Suffer me that I may feel the pillars whereupon the house standeth, that I may lean upon them.

In life, to get to our desired destination and goal and as well fulfil purpose, we aren't meant to do it all alone. Remember the scripture
Genesis 2:18
It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
If God distaste loneliness, then the journey of destiny must never be a lonely adventure. There has to be destiny companions, partners, friends and covenant mates. That's why in creation the concept of male and female gender of creatures were seen..
If all you have and are in life are by self-made effort, you are cursed and miserable in life. Every great man has ladders of men and women he has to leverage on their strength, grace, gifts,ideas, resources and wisdom to get to the top. And God always provides us with destiny partners. Your job is to discern them and build a worthy relationship with them and value them whether they are higher or lower than you.
On Samson's way to recovery God gave him a lad, a boy, a kid. What can a kid do for a mighty man?*
You may bevsaying that now. Every small guy has areas of great imput to the victory of every mighty man. Yes. Don't look down on anybody because tomorrow you might have to look up to them for great assistance. Hhmm !
The little hand of that little boy led Samson to the pillars he was looking for. Some small, unpopular and insignificant person out there is carrying the answer to your prayers and the map to your destiny while you are looking up to the big names and heads.
Shhh! Lo, I am with you. Not high I am with you.
Mordecai discerned well to position the orphan girl, Esther for the kingdom and mentored her on how to be a deliverer and in turn she made him the No 2 citizen of the land.

I pray for you : Receive the discerning grace to discover your insignificant helper and wisely connect to him/her for your recovery, deliverance and lifting in Jesus name. The lad carrying the two fishes and five loaves that will settle your financial needs may you see the worth in him and relate well.
You shall not be stranded, frustrated or helpless this year. Ebenezer has come in Jesus name Amen


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