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BSF Senior Staff
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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Genesis 1:13 (KJV) says:

"And the evening and the morning were the third day."

Biblical Nugget on Genesis 1:13

  1. The Completion of the Third Day
    This verse marks the conclusion of the third day of creation. By this time, God had already created light (Day 1) and separated the waters to form the sky (Day 2). On the third day, He gathered the waters together, revealing dry land, and caused vegetation—plants, trees, and fruits—to spring forth (Genesis 1:9-12).
  2. God’s Order and Timing
    The phrase “the evening and the morning” shows God's divine order in creation. The Jewish day begins at sunset, emphasizing that God works through cycles—there is a time for darkness and a time for light, but all are under His control.
  3. The Principle of Growth and Provision
    The third day is significant because it introduces the concept of life and provision. The plants and trees serve as the first food sources, laying a foundation for the sustenance of all creatures that will follow. It reminds us that God provides for His creation in due season (Matthew 6:26).
  4. Spiritual Application
    Just as the earth brought forth fruit on the third day, believers are called to bear spiritual fruit (Galatians 5:22-23). It teaches us that when we stay rooted in God, we will flourish in His time.

In summary, Genesis 1:13 highlights God’s perfect order, provision, and the importance of growth in His creation and in our spiritual lives.

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