ddos protected hosting solutions?

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New member
Jun 4, 2024
Hey so I posted a week or so ago I was looking for a dedicated server with ddos protection I am now interested in finding possibly a VPS instead.
I only need basic protection of 1gbit, a 2 core CPU and 4GB of RAM and at least 50GB of Space, I have a budget of $40 a month.
Any info on NetShop-isp.com.cy ddos protected hosting solutions? Are they reliable?
I am constantly impressed with the support offered by GTHost.com instant servers. You'll get unrivaled support, speed, and reliability.
The techs contact me checking to see if I have any issues just to be on the safe side. They provide an outstanding and prompt help.
Must say NetShop-isp.com.cy is a fantastic host. They're cheap, reliable, friendly, give massive amounts of space and bandwidth and best of all, they're quick on the case! My account was set up in under 1 hour! Also, they reply to your support tickets very quickly. Choose these guys, they're better than ANYONE I've ever been hosted by before.

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