Did you know you can predict a million-dollar unclaimed bitcoin address with Python code?

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Nov 24, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Leet Speak: <4|\| 70u pr0gr4/\/\ 8|7<0||\|? |-|3r3 |5 7|-|3 <0d3, p|_3453 <0/\/\8||\|3 4|\|d Translation: Can you program Bitcoin? Here's the code; please mix and create:

Did you know you can predict a million-dollar unclaimed bitcoin address with Python code?​

I need a script in one file that generates a bitcoin address "1b..." P2P... and includes a saving location for the import libraries. ATTACHMENT 1 displays a Python script to generate an address, however there are no libraries accessible. Everything must be all inclusive in a single file without importing, so the code must include a note #to add seed phrase in words here", as seen in attachment 3. and base58 ecdsa, if appropriate, must be available in the code.

Helping me could mean saving hundreds of millions of lives. This website seems to be imaginary; please explain that it is real without using Chatgpt.com.

import time
import os
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256, RIPEMD160
import base58
import ecdsa
from bech32 import bech32_encode, convertbits

def generate_bitcoin_address():
# Generate private key
private_key = os.urandom(32)
fullkey = '80' + private_key.hex()
sha256a = SHA256.new(bytes.fromhex(fullkey)).hexdigest()
sha256b = SHA256.new(bytes.fromhex(sha256a)).hexdigest()
WIF = base58.b58encode(bytes.fromhex(fullkey + sha256b[:8]))

# Get public key
sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(private_key, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
vk = sk.get_verifying_key()
x = vk.pubkey.point.x()
y = vk.pubkey.point.y()
public_key = '04' + x.to_bytes(32, 'big').hex() + y.to_bytes(32, 'big').hex()

# Get compressed public key
compressed_public_key = '02' if y % 2 == 0 else '03'
compressed_public_key += x.to_bytes(32, 'big').hex()

# Get P2PKH address
hash160 = RIPEMD160.new()
public_key_hash = '00' + hash160.hexdigest()
checksum = SHA256.new(SHA256.new(bytes.fromhex(public_key_hash)).digest()).hexdigest()[:8]
p2pkh_address = base58.b58encode(bytes.fromhex(public_key_hash + checksum))

# Get compressed P2PKH address
hash160 = RIPEMD160.new()
public_key_hash = '00' + hash160.hexdigest()
checksum = SHA256.new(SHA256.new(bytes.fromhex(public_key_hash)).digest()).hexdigest()[:8]
compressed_p2pkh_address = base58.b58encode(bytes.fromhex(public_key_hash + checksum))

# Get P2SH address
redeem_script = '21' + compressed_public_key + 'ac'
hash160 = RIPEMD160.new()
script_hash = '05' + hash160.hexdigest()
checksum = SHA256.new(SHA256.new(bytes.fromhex(script_hash)).digest()).hexdigest()[:8]
p2sh_address = base58.b58encode(bytes.fromhex(script_hash + checksum))

# Get Bech32 address
witness_program = bytes([0x00, 0x14]) + hash160.digest()
bech32_address = bech32_encode('bc', convertbits(witness_program, 8, 5))

return {
'private_key': private_key.hex(),
'WIF': WIF.decode(),
'public_key': public_key,
'compressed_public_key': compressed_public_key,
'p2pkh_address': p2pkh_address.decode(),
'compressed_p2pkh_address': compressed_p2pkh_address.decode(),
'p2sh_address': p2sh_address.decode(),
'bech32_address': bech32_address

num_addresses = int(input('Enter the number of addresses to generate: '))
for i in range(num_addresses):
address_info = generate_bitcoin_address()
print(f"Address #{i+1}:")
print(f"Private Key: {address_info['private_key']}")
print(f"WIF: {address_info['WIF']}")
print(f"Public Key: {address_info['public_key']}")
print(f"Compressed Public Key: {address_info['compressed_public_key']}")
print(f"P2PKH Address: {address_info['p2pkh_address']}")
print(f"Compressed P2PKH Address: {address_info['compressed_p2pkh_address']}")
print(f"P2SH Address: {address_info['p2sh_address']}")
print(f"Bech32 Address: {address_info['bech32_address']}\n")
print("Remember to save your address")


ATTACHMENT 2 example of bech32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import bech32

def string_to_bech32(hrp, string):
# Encode the string to bytes using UTF-8
data = string.encode('utf-8')

# Convert bytes to a list of integers
data_int = list(data)

# Encode the data to Bech32
bech32_str = bech32.bech32_encode(hrp, data_int)

return bech32_str

# Example usage
hrp = 'example' # Human-readable part
string = 'Hello, World!'
bech32_result = string_to_bech32(hrp, string)


ATTACHMENT 3---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FOR THOSE STILL READING, GOOD FOR YOU ---Leet Speak: 3|_|73 |-|4<|<3R

here is code for the seed phrase generation that doesnt convert to BTC address yet : pick what to work with attachment 1 or 3 then slight modify to achieve your goal. thanks!

import hashlib
# import bech32

def compute_sha256(input_data):
return hashlib.sha256(input_data.encode()).digest()

def add_one_to_hash(sha256_hash):
# Convert hash to an integer, add 1, and convert back to bytes
hash_int = int.from_bytes(sha256_hash, byteorder='big') + 1
return hash_int.to_bytes((hash_int.bit_length() + 7) // 8, byteorder='big')

def compute_ripemd160(data_bytes):
return hashlib.new('ripemd160', data_bytes).digest()

# Input your seed phrase
input_data = "word1 word2 word3 word4 word5.... word12"

# Step 1: Compute SHA-256
sha256_hash = compute_sha256(input_data)

# Step 2: Add 1
new_hash_bytes = add_one_to_hash(sha256_hash)

# Step 3: Compute RIPEMD-160
ripemd160_hash = compute_ripemd160(new_hash_bytes)

def string_to_58_bytes(input_string):
# Encode the string to bytes
encoded_string = input_string.encode('utf-8')
# Create a SHA-256 hash object
hash_object = hashlib.sha256(encoded_string)
# Get the 58-byte hash value
return hash_object.digest()

# Example usage
my_string = input_data
result = string_to_58_bytes(my_string)

# NOT INCLUDED YET NEED bech32 lib def string_to_bech32(hrp, string):
# Encode the string to bytes using UTF-8 data = string.encode('utf-8')

# Convert bytes to a list of integers data_int = list(data)

# Encode the data to Bech32 bech32_str = bech32.bech32_encode(hrp, data_int) return bech32_str

# Example usage hrp = 'example' # Human-readable part string = 'Hello, World!' bech32_result = string_to_bech32(hrp, string)

# Print the results
print("Seed:", input_data)
print("Seed Hex:", result.hex()) # This will print the hex representation # ADDED ONE
print("Seed Base58:", result) # This will print the 58-byte representation # ADDED ONE
print("SHA-256 hash:", sha256_hash.hex())
print("New hash after adding 1:", new_hash_bytes.hex())
print("RIPEMD-160 hash:", ripemd160_hash.hex())
# added below tests print("test bech32:", bech32_hash.hex())

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