Bible Study Do you know God is Able to see you through ?

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BSF Senior Staff
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Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Here’s a key, God will never ask you to do a hard thing and not give you the ability to do it. When He’s asking you to do something difficult, the grace is there, but you have to step into it. Your mind will tell you, “You can’t forgive; they hurt you too badly. You'll never break this addiction; just live with it.

You can’t do something great; you’re insecure, unqualified.” Don’t believe those lies. There’s nothing the enemy would love more than for you to spend your life running: running from God’s call on your life, running from your fears, running from your hurts, running from your past. It’s time to stop running.

The only way out is through. You can’t go around it. You can’t ignore it and it will go away. Time won’t cause it to disappear. But if you’ll confront it, you can conquer it.

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