Nigeria Fellow Nigerians and All Africans Wake Up or Die Silent

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BSF Senior Staff
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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
We may not like the face, shape, operation or character of MOSES, but can we allow Him to complete His assignment of deliverance on us?

▪️2 Chronicles 7:14-16
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

One major problem in Nigeria and Africa is that we often fight our deliverers ignorantly and celebrate our oppressors.

For God to deliver Nigeria or Africa, He may choose to raise anyone, whether through politics, religion, business, or other means.

A country or continent cannot move forward when the lawgivers are the ones breaking and disrespecting the same law without consequences.

Nigerians and Africans must humble themselves to truly call upon God and stop fighting the 'Moses' sent to deliver them.

If we had the power to choose, I'm sure 90% of us wouldn't opt to be born in Nigeria or Africa. Unfortunately, we are here, and we face numerous battles, challenges, and difficulties. Many talented individuals would have excelled in life, but being Nigerian or African has hindered their progress.

Fellow Nigerians, fellow Africans, I urge you to understand that the prevalence of darkness, diabolical acts, and wickedness in our country and continent is alarming. To survive, we truly need God. I recall a short clip of the late Archbishop Benson Idahosa, who spoke words of faith and hope, believing God for a better Nigeria. Unfortunately, our situation has deteriorated since his passing, and we continue to trust God for deliverance.

You can't endure the pains of being a Nigerian and African on this planet earth and still end up in hell. Make a conscious decision to serve God, connect with Him, and be born again.

Your spiritual success and capacity will determine your progress in life and destiny, especially in Nigeria and Africa.

Wake up, erase wrong mentalities about God, repent, and embrace His deliverance power for your freedom. Many of us suffer globally simply because we are black and Nigerian or African. If you refuse to follow God, the evil spirits in Nigeria and Africa can lead you to live an abnormal life.

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