Bible Study Healing to the brokenhearted - Isaiah 61:1

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Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Isaiah 61:1
The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;

Healing to the brokenhearted​

#This is a state of pain, grief, disappointment, depression, hopelessness and sadness.
#Being deeply and emotionally hurt and wounded, deep pain on the inside and sorrow-filled.
#This is to be in a deplorable state.

The Spirit of the Lord has a message for you. No how wounded, broken, sad, disappointed, hopeless, sorrowful and afflicted you are, He told me to tell you
Psalms 30:5
... weeping may endure for a night...
This condition has an expiring date. It's just nine hours, 6pm to 2am. Yes! Because after that the cock begins to crow, the morning saying your morning has arrived. It may even be dark but the morning has come. Jesus visited them in the boisterous sea at the fourth watch 3am - 6m and said 'cheer up' The transition period from darkness to light. The silence night will soon be broken by the demonstration of the move of God in your life. Get ready for action
(I feel a laughter in my spirit) This means something is about to change for you.
You're transiting from this pain into joy, sorrows into songs. The healing wind and balm is released in the spirit now. You're coming out through the shadows. His presence has come to lead you out. Stop weeping, cheer up. Your change has come.
Hear the prophetic cock crow of the spirit saying your new dawn of joy, comfort, healing, new love, reconciliation, mercy, restoration and recovery is here. Wake up from that depression, grief and disappointment. Dust yourself from the ashes, the fresh oil of joy is here, a new garment of celebration is available. ' Be healed says' the Spirit Hallelujah

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