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Premium User
Aug 25, 2023
Leki Lagos


Calling Back Unto Repentance​

Love is one of the fruits of the spirit....it has to do with this deep care and affection for someone.

Love is a feeling that really can't be defined.

The love that God has for us is priceless, pure and everlasting.

It's so sad that a lot of people don't value that love. I wish they knew the extent that God loves them, they would be humbled....‍♂️

Have you ever asked yourself why Jesus came to die for us?

Why he suffered all those tortures for our sake? It was because of love.

A type of love that you can't find anywhere else.

Prophet Isaiah said and I quote..... "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."_ Isaiah 53:5.

Just imagine the pain he had to go through for our sake.
▫️All the insults,
▫️The betrayal,
▫️The beatings for a sin he did not even commit.

A lot of us can't even go through even a quarter of what Christ went through.

John beloved said and I quote.....✍

....."For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" — John 3:16

Friends... God loves you so much the way a Father loves his child and wants the best for you.

He does all he can to keep you from harms way and not be deceived by the devil. That is just his nature.

Sometimes we might feel like God doesn't love us due to one reason or the other.

We feel like he has forgotten about us and he no longer cares but that is not the case...

I also feel that way at times but I'm quick to remind myself that God is ever faithful and won't forsake me.

When I take my time to examine my life, I can't help but be grateful to God for all he has done....

If not for God I might not be alive today, probably be counter among Yahoo Boys (Internet fraudsters) or presently wailing in pit of Hell .....but I thank God for his gracious love...

The love that you feel from your patents, friends, spouse etc cannot be compared to the love of God and nothing should separate us from it.

We keep sinning against him, we neglect him, we forsake him but he has not given up on us....

What I have come to understand is that one of the hardest things we face is accepting the fact that God loves us...

I want you to understand that God is always willing to help no matter the situation, if only we trust in him.

Even when troubles and problems are trying to overshadow us, remember that our heavenly father cares about us.

Even when people might disappoint you and it feels like the world has forsaken you, God is ever faithful, his love is like no other...


Some years back.... while battling the dreaded spiritual virus of masturbation and pornography for decade ....

Friends.. It was a terrible mess. I was Perplexed and in state of dilemma...

I remembered how I used to curse myself and wish to chop off my manhood because of the unbreakable clutches of sexual immorality that was dragging me along

Dear Friend.... It's was an horrible battle I can't forget in history.

I understood the scriptures but faraway from the Author of the scriptures but yet, I still believe that soonest triumph shall emerge....

But something happens.....✍

The father of love eventually showed up because he knew that no preacher or prophet can baptized me with the word that will prick my heart unto repentance...

He knew that I was born inside the church and already use with religious activities and scriptural routines..

One glorious day, I had an encounter with Heaven and Hell which changed my entire approached towards Life and Eternity.

I remembered weeping and lamenting on that fateful morning — I was weeping profusely in tears because of the suffering I behold in Hell...

The father of love made me to understand that everyone involved in sexual immorality will definitely pay the price in Hell Fire

▪️The constant stretching of the Penis by the demons in Hell due to masturbation and fornication.

▪️The breaking and sudden regeneration of the Penis and another repetition of stretching in hell dungeon.

▪️ The piercing of the vagina with spear by the demons In hell due to masturbation or fornication.

▪️ The bursting of the vagina and immediate regeneration and another repetition of torment in hell, all due to sexual immorality

These eternal torment continues from morning till dawn and from dawn to year and from year to decade and from decade to Century and from Century to eternity without end all in Hell

If you are a victim of this dreaded spiritual virus of fornication or masturbation..... The punishment in Hell is beyond description...

Now when I sat down and began to consider the horrific experience witnessed and been carried out in eternal realm of eternity in Hell upon the victim of sexual immoral addictions.

Then I wept profusely and cried out loud ......." "Oh Lord, Please come to my rescue and help me to break these clutches Of sexual immorality and I promise to serve thee and only you alone"

......and today he has finally broken the yoke in my life...

....all because the father of love didn't give up hope on me.... His love is priceless, costly and truth..

Today he has used me to mentor and educates over 1000's victims battling with this dreaded act of sexual immoralities.

Time won't permit to share some of their testimonies but let me share briefly.



Name: Sis Verdict.
Country: Nigeria.

I came across with one of Evangelist Paul message on Facebook one fateful evening. I decided to save his contact cause it was a touching message ....then I asked him to introduced me into the group.

So I decided to do according to the group's order.

Firstly I used to indulge in masturbation and fornication before getting to know about this group.

When I was 9 or 10 years I went to an uncle's room when he was busy satisfying his urge with pornography. I saw the porn since then that specific part I saw was in my memory. God have mercy.

Following with the rules here I overcome .....all these by FASTING and PRAYING also with the five chapters from the Bible.

Whenever the urge comes I resist it by saying to myself am fasting against that and I don't want to feed my flesh again.

Secondly, by listening to Godly music when listening I normally feel this peace and cold sometimes grip me and I will cry

I normally indulge in worldly songs and even dance, am great dancer for that but I don't know I was dancing my life to Hell may God have mercy .

In Conclusion....✍️

I deleted everything that has to do with worldly music and videos. Please my brothers and sisters do away with everything worldly and you will overcome in Jesus name Amen.


Name: Sis Relindis.
Country: Cameroon.

I don't know exactly where to start testifying because God have done so much for me that I can't tell it all.

He's been so faithful even when other helpers failed. I was running tirelessly to hell...

Through masturbation and watching of all sort of movies, I had closed my heart to the Lord through prayerless life and abandoning of the word of life (Bible) which brings forth liberation.

I had convinced myself that I can't be saved. Each time people call me a good girl, I will smile but deep down I have always known that I'm doomed for hell.

But when I came across teachings here in BSF, it gave me courage that I've never received before and pointed me to see the light of hope for my salvation.

Now I can feel the hand of God directing me as I can now read my Bible pray and even fast.


What will I have done without you Jesus???

Now I can say, I haven't viewed any immoral stuff let alone masturbate again as I get busy in this forum with the things of God.

Please wait for Part Two of my testimony because it's still loading as God keeps on working In My life...Amen


Name: Bro Kabir.
Country: Nigeria.

.... Since I joined this BSF forum I haven't masturbate or watch pornography, though there was the urge to go back but I will immediately come to this forum and begins to read other people struggles and their testimonies and words of encouragement,

Since then I have peace of mind and I feel good with no self guilt and self pity.

I know I have not reached anywhere but I believe God will help me to overcome and be delivered completely in Jesus name ...Amen.


Name: Bro Mduduzi.
Country: Swaziland.

I have been addicted to masturbation for 17 years. I joined this forum, read and followed all the guidelines for my Deliverance.

The masturbation urge will come frequently but I managed to overcome by the guidelines and teachings and praying I get here.

Today mark the first month in my life without masturbation and I thank God for that.

I have recently wet dreamt and I felt so embarrassed, kindly pray with me.


Name: Bro Chisom.
Country: Nigeria.

I really want to thank God for this group and for the instruments he uses in the forum.

I can't believe that for a month and getting to 2 months I have not wasted my airtime downloading and watching pornography.

I remember the days that I was into it. That even after church activities I still fall into the sin.

After crying and asking for forgiveness and deleting the movies, the spirit still comes back.

But I thank God for Deliverance and I pray that it remains permanent. I still pray for total deliverance because it came in one of my dreams.


Name: Sis Ginika.
Country: Nigeria.

I want to glorify the name of the Lord for calling me to himself and not allowing me to die in my days off ignorant.

I was an addict to masturbation, pornography, incest, fornication, lies, envy, anger, jealousy..just name it.....

I am a Christian but do not know God but when I encountered Evan Paul's post on Facebook ...I was disturbed in the spirit to confess my sin and be free......

...Glory be to God after following his instructions and other things he asked me to do.......I no longer feel sexual urge anymore because I prayed a powerful prayer that helped me.....which is

....."Oh Lord, take away my sexual urge now until am married"

Am grateful that the Lord has taken charge over my life......and today I am now a new creature in the Lord.

And to serve as a form of discipline to me .... I vowed to God that I will remain sexually pure till I get married.......and I believe the Lord will uphold me to keep this vow ....in Jesus name ....Amen


Name: Sis Peace.
Country: Nigeria.

I thank God for making me to come across his word here.

The first thing I did was to chat up and make up my mind to be very serious about it.

After joining the Overcomers squad, I started by joining in the Monday weekly fast and reading his book titled "A–Z PERFECT SECRET WAY TO OVERCOME MASTURBATION AND PORNOGRAPHY.

When Evangelist told us that there are some things we needed to remove from our lives, I deleted some apps on my phone (romance books), deleted secular music and the likes, blocked some people on my social media.

I also joined sub–departments and I make sure I participate fully.

I do search the scripture in order to prepare messages in case those that are to prepare fails to do it.

Then I make sure to read 5 chapters of the Bible daily and pray daily. I do read Christian novels. I also listen to sermons.

I make sure that people's opinion of me doesn't matter but God's opinion.

There was a day that an inspiration came that Bible quiz can be included in the squad, to make people know the Bible well and to take note of little things we don't attach importance to and God has been helping.

These things have been making me busy that ever since I joined Overcomers squad I haven't gone back or found myself in my vomit.
Thank you Jesus.


Name: Sis Lizzy.
Country: Cameroon.

I want to thank God for his grace upon my life. Since I joined this gorum....it was not easy for me because I used to masturbate and doesn't know how to disclose it with my Pastor.

But after Evang Paul's message, I receive the courage to tell him, when I told him, He was so angry that I have to stay away from him for days.

Masturbation disturbed me spiritually, physically and mentally that I can't even read my Bible,

I always have evil ideas in my mind all the time and it kept on happening. But thank God that it is now a thing of the past.

The Lord has helped me to overcome the spirit. Even when I walk on the road, I don't get moved by any handsome dude on the road.

I can pray very well now and whenever the spirit want to surface, I rebuke it by reading my Bible or worshipping God.

I thank God for his mercy and deliverance upon my life and also thank Evangelist Paul for his mentorship.

And I pray that the Lord will continue to uphold me to continue to dwell in his presence and overcome it permanently. In Jesus name ...Amen. Praise God.


Friends..... Remember what I said...✍

God has not given up on any of us... He can still deliver you tonight but On one condition...


My guy, now listen to me, in case you don't know, there is this girl sent to your school now for a purpose.....Not to read or study, but to sleep with guys and each man she sleeps with, she summit their destiny into their coven

She is doing that now without getting tired and her queen mother is promoting her every day
Another young man is changing women now like clothes and when you see him you conclude in your mind that he is a womaniser

Sir, he is only on assignment to get more souls so that hell will be populated.

And these people are faithful carrying out this evil assignment without getting tired

But here we are leaving our own altar cold and deserted. We left God since thinking enjoyment is in Babylon

◻️Ma, if only you know the havoc that your every night 30 minutes prayers are causing to hell you wouldn't have stopped by now

◻️If only you know how many souls you have delivered from hell, you wouldn't have stop that morning cry and evangelism.

◻️If Satan is not interested in what you carry he wouldn't have been fighting you with that same sin that is discouraging you from serving God.

◻️If he had not seen the generation waiting for your manifestation, he wouldn't have been fighting you now with lukewarmness and backsliding spirit

It is high time we went back to God in remorse with a broken heart

Do You Know That..... ✍

—Apostle Paul used to have morning erection...

— Deacon Stephen was not sexually dysfunctional.....

— Esther felt a strong sexual urge after her periods....

— James, while on the Island of Patmos wasn't a eunuch.. ..

— Samson was also biologically sound and functional.......

— The coat of many colours didn't give Joseph sexual atrocities ...

These are people who had a great destiny preordained for them...

No wonder Heaven looked on them and booked space for them in the Book that God was writing.....

▫️Some of them started well, others didn't start well...

▫️Some finished well, others didn't finish well...

There's what you will know about where God is taking you and you will not need anyone to motivate you to live in purity... Your life is a practical prophecy, and prophecies have a lifestyle...

It's written..... Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body —1st Corinthians 6:18.

— Sexual Purity elevates. It elevated Joseph from the prison to the throne...⛓️

— Sexual immorality demotes. It demoted Samson from the throne to the dungeon... ⛓️

You're not too low that purity cannot elevate you and you're never too high that immorality cannot demote you.

Anytime Delilah lures you, don't come online bragging about the fun you had...Go and cry that you have been signing your own jail term...

— The dragon called sexual error has impoverished generals.

— Ancient oils have been rendered useless by illegal panties.

— Kings have become charlatan on the corridors of uncontrolled libido.

— Sisters ‍♀️ that once carried Revival fire are now advertising sex toys on the same Facebook pages that they once used to preach.

It is an emergency that needs addressing.

What you don't address will undress you... Please Fall back to God... The Bible says, that in our afflictions, He too was afflicted...

God has seen that addiction and He's not happy...

You have tried methods, means, advice and all these things have not worked...

You know how dirty you feel after doing it. You don't like what you do but you find yourself going back to your vomits...

Everyone has already labeled you a prostitute...All the people you've slept with have already started to abuse you.

You gave them all your best. When turning 360 degrees on the bed you looked like a mermaid spirit because you did it with all your might... But as it is, you're already getting boiled inside the waters of betrayal.

— It is only you that knows how much you cry when you go to pray...

— It is only you that knows how much you hate it although you do it.

But hear this friends, anywhere you see a Jezebel, there's an Elijah she's chasing. The weight of God's hand upon a man is seen by the thickness of the battle he's fighting...

The devil has seen your great destiny and he has a right to be angry with you... He has seen the glory ahead and has vowed to ensure you waste it on illegal bedroom affairs.

Outside God, the devil will have an upper hand....When it is Jezebel who's coming after you, it is better to carry fire instead of just shouting fire.

Your solution is only in God... Fall back to God and watch Him deliver you... Keep blasting in tongues each day. Befriend the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit is not a trophy attained by the strong willed and the Holy people... Your dirty case is the reason He came. ...He came to make you Holy.

Men can teach you methods, ways and some theories...But it's only Holy Spirit that can help you.

Holy Spirit converts idiots into superstars. He has a tendency to rewrite stories of men and women the church has already written off.

He is the anointing of God, the yoke destroyer...Expose your sexual immorality to the ministry of the Holy Ghost.

— When you want to sleep with a married man you guys close the door...

— When you want to sleep with an unmarried woman you close the door...

— When it is time for you to masturbate you close the door...

— Anytime you want to do nonsense with your lesbian partner you close the door...

— And even now that you feel tired of this filthiness go inside and close the door too... Stay there and purpose not to come out until you encounter God.

A single encounter can transform your life......✍️

An encounter will counter the demon haunting you... It changed Jacob to Israel....

Sexual immorality is just one of the many yokes that an encounter with God can break...

▫️Encounters separate men...
▫️Encounters change men...
▫️Encounters convert idiots into superstars...

Oh Lord, I pray for this one Following tonight... nobody will take your place in Zion in Jesus name

Rise up now and let us go back to Bethel where God was once first in our life

I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go .....Isaiah 48:17...

We have a God who teaches us what is best for us and who direct us on the way we should go... Because there's a way that seems good in the eyes of men but it's ends in the path of death...

▪️We can try methods and fail...

▪️We can try formulas and still miss it...

▪️We can quote what our fathers said in 1846 and still fail...

The human mind is limited. The human ability is unable to break evil patterns...

The Gerasene demoniac had known this no wonder after his deliverance he sat under the feet of Jesus to learn from the Master...

Unless Christ has been formed in you, the result of your life will be the works of flesh...

Unless you have enrolled for training in the school of the spirit, fornication won't be too far from you...

The problem is, we stood up from our knees too early.

Unless a heart has learned from Jesus, no righteousness can flow from it...

▫️As we labour in the word and in prayer...

▫️As we engage in chronic fasting bargaining for our relationship with God...

▫️As we keep preaching against sexual immorality and declaring the victory we have over it by the blood of the lamb,...

It is not in the character of God to ignore a man that is hungry for Him...

He will touch us and purge our hearts...

Very soon, if we don't give up, the God Of love whom we seek shall suddenly appear.

And when our captivity in sexual sin shall have been turned, we shall be like those who dream...

I join my faith with yours today, I scatter every yoke of sexual immorality over your life...

In This Valentine's season.... You will not sacrifice your destiny on the altar of Sexual immorality...In Jesus name...


Please Don't Act Selfish..... Kindly Forward This Article To Your Friends, Relatives Or WhatsApp Groups And Help Someone To Increased Mentally,' Spiritually And Inspirationally.

Be free from sexual immoralities. Such as Masturbation, Fornicators, Homosexual, Lesbians, Pornography And other Immoral Sexual Related Addicts from immoral yokes of captivities. Praise God, Worship God and pray always to stay spiritual active against all works of flesh.
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