Affiliate How can I use affiliate marketing to make $20,000 a month?

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Affiliate Marketing relatected threads


BSF Senior Staff
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Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Yielding $20,000 with affiliate marketing is no small feat; to get there, one must either have a sizable online following on a blog, YouTube channel, tiktok, Instagram, or some other platform.

If not, reaching these numbers will require large advertising expenditures.

I'll concentrate on the free strategies in this response to help you get to $20,000 a month.

The linked product

Either you should promote a high-ticket affiliate product that will pay you a sizable one-time commission for each sale, or you should promote an affiliate product that will pay you a recurring commission.

Recurring products: By promoting recurring affiliate products, you can increase your monthly revenue by bringing in new clients and earning money from those you referred in the past.

With time, this can turn into a completely passive source of income. Because they promote recurring affiliate products, a lot of blogs and YouTube channels make over $20,000 a month from affiliate marketing.

High ticket products: I define high ticket products as those that pay you more than $500 for each sale as an affiliate.

The benefit of these products is that you won't need to sell a lot of them each month to meet your target. In addition, selling expensive products isn't all that harder than selling cheaper products—you just need to choose the right approach.


It's crucial that you concentrate on ONE platform at a time, stick with it through success, and then switch to other platforms.

I'll go over two different approaches with you below because these are, in my opinion, the quickest and most cost-effective ways to profit from affiliate marketing at the moment:


You must be thinking I'm crazy for putting this out there—after all, aren't teens dancing on Tiktok?

Yes, it is, but it goes far beyond that as well! As of the writing of this response, there are over 800 million active users on Tiktok globally.

You could make a lot of money if you could only attract a tiny percentage of those individuals to your website.

This is a great chance for you to seize if you don't mind being in the spotlight.

Tiktok's drawback is that it's still a relatively new platform, which is why I suggest using it first.

This implies that there's still a good chance of experiencing an organic explosion on their platform quickly!

I have witnessed numerous inexperienced affiliates achieve remarkable success quickly by posting brief 15-second videos on Tiktok discussing various online income streams.

Take a look at a few of these guys on the platform below to get a precise idea of what to do:

income-passive lifestyles
Adamdukes Spencerhacks Dombavaro
Thornhill Jake


You can also get a lot of natural traffic to your affiliate product by using Facebook.

Because you can use Messenger to communicate with prospects, Facebook is particularly beneficial for expensive products.

People buy from people they trust, and you can make a lot of money if you can get someone to believe in you and your recommendations.

So how do you accomplish this?

In order to establish your brand on Facebook, you must first have a cover photo that conveys your message and a professional-looking profile picture.

The next step is to locate groups within your niche and begin contributing regularly to those groups.

Don't make any sales. Just respond to inquiries from others and establish yourself as an authority who is knowledgeable.

After that, you can start adding 20 to 30 members of these groups to your Facebook friend list every day.

Utilize the fact that you have 5000 friends on Facebook!

Posting content on your profile on a regular basis should include both personal and inspirational posts as well as updates from your daily life.

Post your affiliate program results occasionally as well, if you already have them.

There should be a call to action on your Facebook profile. This could be a link to your own Facebook group, where your affiliate links are located.

You also have the option to just place your affiliate links on your profile; the choice is entirely yours.

After that, you can initiate Messenger conversations with your recently added pals.
Never try to sell to them right away; it never works that way.

Instead, just strike up a casual conversation to get to know them and find out about their current progress.

Do they have any experience with affiliate marketing, or are they total beginners?

Offer them your affiliate product if you are aware that it can help them with their issue.

Keep in mind that you have added friends from groups that are associated with your affiliate products, so chances are they will be interested.

If you think this method might work for you, check out Jacob Caris on Facebook or YouTube. He is one of the best practitioners and teachers of this approach.

In summary

It will be challenging to reach $20,000 a month, and only the most committed and diligent individuals will be able to do so.

However, it is feasible; the great thing about affiliate marketing is that, once you identify a profitable strategy, there is no upper limit to the amount of money you can make.

Best of luck!

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