Linux & Unix Linux How does your Linux desktop appear?

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Nov 24, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
I reasoned that having a topic where people who had customized their desktops may share their creations would be helpful. Both novices and experts are welcome, and everything from minor personalization to a more thorough makeover is acceptable:)

There is only one need, though: IF YOU HAVE MODIFIED ANYTHING, PLEASE INCLUDE DETAILS! This includes window borders, icon sets, GTK themes, and fonts.

Provide links as well, if at all feasible. Kindly DO NOT simply share an image without a caption.

The main goal is to demonstrate the various desktop customization options to users (especially beginners and those thinking about switching from another OS), and maybe I'll pick up a few new tricks in the process :)

Instead of using BC's bandwidth for the photographs, I advise using a photo hosting site like

First, this is my slightly modified desktop version of Mint 17.2 Cinnamon:-
Theme: Cinnamon New Minty GTK+ ("Control") Ambiance Flat - Aqua Window is the theme. Borders: Aqua Icon - Ambiance Flat Theme: Vibrant Colors (Dark-Blue) (the three Ravefinity goods mentioned above)
Font: SegoUI (a Microsoft font that was taken from Windows on the same system).
Wallpaper: Only one selected using Mint from the available options.

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