If your account is in good standing, you can request a refund of your unused account balance, excluding taxes paid, whether you utilize automatic or manual payment. Your account will be canceled once you finish the refund procedure. Although this is a self-serve technique, you can contact your TikTok sales representative for refund assistance if you have one.
On the left, locate the permission management module.
You will either notice a section stating that your "ad account belongs to a Business Center" or a Business Center named in relation to your ad account if the ad account is part of one.
The following can be used to return an account balance for ad accounts that are not linked to any Business Center. If your ad account is associated with a Business Center, please adhere to different guidelines.
Note: This request can only be made by an admin role.
Your ad account will be closed, and your money will be returned. You won't be able to restart your ad account after you close it. The original payment method that was on file will get the refund. Your reimbursement should arrive within 60 days. Learn how to troubleshoot a rejected refund request if you run into issues, like the inability to issue a refund because the banking information is out of date.
Although it is possible to move an ad account balance to another ad account, doing so necessitates that both ad accounts be linked to the same Business Center. The Payment Management page is used to make the necessary adjustments. You can only ask for a refund and then transfer the money to another ad account if you don't have Business Center.
Prior to starting
Whether or not your ad account is part of a Business Center determines the refund procedure you select. To find out whether your ad account is part of a Business Center:As the ad account owner, sign in to TikTok Ads Manager.
Click Account setup in the Settings section after selecting Tools from the left header bar.On the left, locate the permission management module.
You will either notice a section stating that your "ad account belongs to a Business Center" or a Business Center named in relation to your ad account if the ad account is part of one.
The following can be used to return an account balance for ad accounts that are not linked to any Business Center. If your ad account is associated with a Business Center, please adhere to different guidelines.
How to use TikTok Ads Manager to obtain a refund
To use Ads Manager to obtain a refund:
As the ad account administrator, log into TikTok Ads Manager.
Note: This request can only be made by an admin role.
- Select Tools.
- Select Account setup from the Settings menu.
- Navigate to the Basic information module from the Account setup page under My account.
- Select "More actions." Choose Close Account and Refund after that.
Your ad account will be closed, and your money will be returned. You won't be able to restart your ad account after you close it. The original payment method that was on file will get the refund. Your reimbursement should arrive within 60 days. Learn how to troubleshoot a rejected refund request if you run into issues, like the inability to issue a refund because the banking information is out of date.
Although it is possible to move an ad account balance to another ad account, doing so necessitates that both ad accounts be linked to the same Business Center. The Payment Management page is used to make the necessary adjustments. You can only ask for a refund and then transfer the money to another ad account if you don't have Business Center.