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Nov 24, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
Have you ever thought, "I wish God had communicated with us like He did with His people in the Old Testament"?

Scripture frequently tells of God communicating with His people via voice, angel, or dream. In one tale, he even writes on a wall (Daniel 5). Therefore, it makes sense that you would want to see a clear sign that will give you confidence that God is leading you, or hear God's voice.

Everybody has encountered perplexing situations. Sometimes all you would desire is a text message from God telling you what to do. Perhaps you feel distant from God and want Him to tell you that He is still in control.

Perhaps you've heard that the God of the Bible is approachable, but you've never had a personal relationship with God and are unsure of where to start.

He is the same God that existed in the Old Testament as He is today. He continues to speak to us now. He made it possible for each of us to communicate with Him on a daily basis as part of a personal relationship. He speaks with us.

For many of us, hearing His voice has just never come naturally to us, or we have forgotten how to do it in the past.

How then does God speak to us in a society when distraction and loudness abound?​

Various Modes of God Speaks to us in the Scripture​

God speaks to His people intelligibly. In the Bible, He talked to individuals on the following instances in a voice that they could actually hear:

  • As a kid, he conversed with Samuel in the temple (1 Samuel 3).
  • Through the burning bush, He spoke to Moses, telling him to lead His people out of Egypt (Exodus 3).
  • He addressed Elijah with a "still small voice" rather than an earthquake or strong wind (1 Kings 19:11–12).

It is true that God can and does communicate, even if Christians in Western countries don't commonly hear from God in this way.

We think God can and does communicate audibly today because He is the same God that He was then.

Signs, dreams, and visions are examples of miraculous occurrences where God communicates with His people.

In biblical times, there were many different kinds of signs. For example, in Exodus 14, the Red Sea parted, and in Matthew 21:2–7, Jesus told the disciples to look for a donkey colt at the precise spot.

From the beginning to the end of the Bible, there are depictions of dreams and visions. One of Jesus' closest friends, John, is described in the last book of the Bible, Revelation, as having seen streets of gold in heaven (Revelation 4). Dreams and visions can convey messages to individuals in two ways: either with explicit instructions or with symbolic meanings that the Spirit will interpret.

To hear from God, one must pursue God.​

The Bible makes it quite plain that we will sense God's presence in our lives to the greater extent that we seek Him out.
"When you seek Me with all your heart, you will find Me." (New International Version, Jeremiah 29:13)

"Anyone who comes to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him earnestly; without faith it is impossible to please God." (NIV) Hebrews 11:6

"Those who seek Me will find Me, and I love those who love Me." (NIV) Proverbs 8:17

"The LORD watches over all of humanity from heaven to see if any are understanding and seeking God." (NIV) Psalm 14:2

Once we accept God into our life, He never leaves us, but He does answer our prayers for more of Him.

How then do you show that you want to see more of God? Follow Him around daily in some way.

Our to-do list is not the only thing that includes reading and studying the Bible, praying, and conversing with other followers of Jesus. God invites us to take these actions because they reveal more about Himself to us and help us hear His voice.

He helps us respond to the events we confront by drawing on our understanding of who He is and what He has accomplished.

It takes more than simply mental or physical effort to put aside life's distractions in order to concentrate on God.
It's a means of expressing to God that He has your undivided attention and setting your heart on Him. It bears similarities to interpersonal connections. They won't think you are paying attention to them if you sit down to listen to them while checking your text messages every few seconds, and you're not going to hear what they have to say.

To what extent does God merit your undivided attention?​

If you do not routinely give God your whole attention, you cannot expect to hear from Him.

God Communicates with Us via the Holy Spirit​

The majority of the Old Testament's writings describe God communicating with humans on a transcendent level. However, Jesus has given believers something more in exchange for their faith.

Jesus talked to His closest associates the evening before He was taken into custody and crucified. He was aware that He will shortly return to His heavenly Father. The disciples, who were Jesus' buddies, had been strolling and conversing with him every day for several years. That was never the fight for them to hear His voice.

Jesus would soon give His friends instructions to spread the word about what He had done throughout the entire world. However, He wouldn't be with them in person.
Every day, they would require His direction to decide where to go and what to do next.

Jesus desired for them to have faith that they would have all they required. He then broke the news to them, telling them that the Holy Spirit, who represents God, would eventually reside within them. Yes, God would still exist independently of people, but He was also genuinely present in every believer in Jesus.

Jesus declared:
"I have more to say to you than you are currently capable of handling. However, He who comes as the Spirit of truth will lead you into all truth. He won't talk on His own; instead, He will only talk about what He hears, and He will tell you what lies ahead. Because He will receive what He will reveal to you from Me, He will exalt Me. Everything that is the Father's is mine. For this reason, I declared that what the Spirit will reveal to you, He will receive from Me. (NIV John 16:12–15)
Hearing God's voice is completely transformed when the Holy Spirit is in your life. Jesus' Spirit is currently residing within you if you have made the decision to have a personal relationship with Him. You can therefore be completely confident that God dwells within you and is always there to guide you, instead of wondering where He is or how to get in touch with Him.

In case you haven't welcomed Jesus into your existence, discover ways to get to know God directly.

The Bible is how God communicates with you. God provides you with guidance on how to live the life He has called you to.
The Bible is full of parables that teach us valuable lessons and show us that God speaks the truth and makes known the things we need to know in order to live a life that pleases Him.

God also communicates through the Holy Spirit's inward promptings. According to John 14:26, the Spirit instructs and aids in your memory of what God has accomplished. You are prompted by the Holy Spirit to follow God's will, turn from sin, and ask for help from those around you.

You may feel compelled by internal promptings to share the gospel with the others in your life.

Learn more about the Holy Spirit and how to encounter God more frequently in your life.

God desires for you to hear from Him.
He is not trying to mislead you. His plan for teaching you to discern His voice is to use the Bible—His living word—in front of you and the Spirit of Him within you.

Therefore, why do so many Christians go through life not knowing precisely what God is saying, or even if He is still speaking?

The solution can be found in figuring out what keeps you away from hearing God.

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