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  • Please we urge all unregistered users to swiftly register to enable you enjoy loads of benefits rollingout in our community. Be open to opportunities to do good for someone else today. Anything that do not please God in your life has come to distroy you.

There is a trend going on in this life and at our current world.

Most people are glowing cold to God's Word.

We dress up for occasions to please people and ourselves not to please God. When going to work or market or program or even at wedding we never have God in mind. This is contrary to God's Word that says do everything to the glory of God.

A true Christian eats to keep the body in good shape to carry out the purpose of God. But the sad aspect is that we eat what our tongue likes and ends up packing sweet things that destroy our spirituality and relationships with God. We end up fornicators and sinners.

Sex is now traded like a commodity. Because what we feared is now easily prevented. And that was pregnancy. Your wife can now use new birth control method and have sex for about years and no pregnancy. So they end up sleeping around even with husbands.

I don't want to talk about husbands because for them the most pure ones are those with only two sexual partners and still are married.

What about finances. Check how you make money and that alone can show if you are going to heaven or not.

We are all heading to hell if we don't repent. May Jesus Christ help us all in his name and change us for eternal life.

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