Invest I have over seventy thousand pounds in savings. In my position, how would you invest it if it's you?

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Nov 24, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
If you're an expat residing in the UK or elsewhere, or a native British citizen, it partially relies on both.

Regardless, you ought to

For obvious reasons, move away from a portfolio that is only centered on pounds. Now, the pound is collapsing and behaving more like a currency from an emerging market. At the very least, you ought to be familiar with global markets.
Since I would be losing money to inflation if I kept it in the bank, I wouldn't.
My attention would be drawn to an international's diverse portfolio.
Regarding point three, I might hold about 35% in the UK FTSE, 55% in different international indices, and 10% in bond indexes if I were a resident of the UK.

Many UK-based companies offer ISAs and other instruments that are unavailable to those residing abroad.

Being a UK citizen residing abroad, I am more open about my wealth in USD as an expat and have roughly 10% in the FTSE.

Your age has an impact as well. 10% of your bond holdings should be increased to 25% or more if you are older, that is, within ten years or so of retirement.

Whatever you choose to accomplish, the following matters:

having a long lifespan
Never try to time the market. Star of Dragons Den and Shark Tank, Kevin O'Leary, recently acknowledged at a client event that he had attempted, but failed, to time the markets.

If a person valued at an estimated $400 million is unable of doing it, then very few, if any, people are.

money is preferable to invest right away, set money aside, and

disregard the news, Brexit, and other issues
Don't worry about the market's cyclical ups and downs. That takes me back to the first thing I should do: be patient.
Increasing your holdings as soon as you receive more funds
If you are a British national living abroad or an expat in the UK, have a portable portfolio.
I would also keep the goal in mind. Is it retirement or some other goal?

It is simpler to follow a strategy once you understand why you are investing.

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