Spirituality Image of God - Genesis 1:26, 27

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Aug 25, 2023
Leki Lagos
Praise the Lord


Glory be to God's most holy name!

Beloved ones! I am very glad to meet you at this auspicious time. The word our Lord God wants to speak to us on this day is "Image of God".

When God created man in the beginning, we see that our God created mankind in the image of God. The image of God means we read in the scriptures that Adam, the first man, was made or created as God is (Genesis 1:26, 27). That is, and then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness! So that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock, all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

God created mankind in His image. In the image of God, He created them. He created them as male and female (Genesis 1:26, 27). Through the scriptures, we see the things that God made man.

When God made man, we see that God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ were there (Genesis 1:26, Hebrews 1:1, 2). To be like this, man was created by God.
Many people these days lie that man descended from apes. If someone called them monkeys, would they agree? We should note that. God our Lord created all things through His Son Jesus Christ (John 1:1-3). Can anyone else prove that this deity made the heavens, the earth, and the sea, regarding the creation of the world or man? All things were created or made through the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:3).

Our Lord Jesus Christ made man in His image and placed him in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:8). He had given some commandments to Adam, the first man. The main thing is not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He commanded that, on the day you eat from it, you will certainly die (Genesis 2:16, 17). Our Lord Jesus Christ will come every day in the cool of the day to see him (Genesis 3:8).

One day, in the cool of the day, our Lord Jesus Christ came to the Garden of Eden and called Adam. Adam! Where are you? He said. Adam heard God's voice in the garden and said, "I was afraid and hid myself" (Genesis 3:9, 10). And the Lord our God said, have you eaten the tree of which I commanded you not to eat from? (Genesis 3:11). To that Adam said, God! The woman you put here with me gave and I have eaten (Genesis 3:12). When our Lord inquired of the woman, she said, the serpent deceived me and I have eaten (Genesis 3:13). Read up on how the serpent deceived (Genesis 3:1-6). Man, who was made in the likeness of God, was deceived by the serpent, the old serpent, which was also called the devil and Satan. As man, who was made in the image of God, was made to sin, man lost the image of God. That means he lost his humanity.

The man was changed from an ordinary man without God's likeness to a sinful human likeness. Since man has lost the image of God, he is seen as unable to see God directly, or visit God. Even today he is seen as incapable of attaining the image of God, having been changed by the devil into a man of sinful flesh. He tries so hard.

He seeks God, He sings and dances, but sinful man cannot see our Lord God. So he goes to the mountains and does penance. He stands upside down but cannot visit God. Therefore a man with a sinful image worships anything and everything today. He worships the sun. He worships the eagle (Deuteronomy 4:18). But because he could not visit God, he made idols like our Lord Jesus Christ and worshiped (Exodus 20:4, 5). He made idols of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, the apostles and saints, and worshiped them (Exodus 20:3-5).

Many more and the people of the whole world were satisfied with making idols and worshipping Satan because they were unable to visit the true God (Deuteronomy 4:23 Jeremiah 10:11). But the sinful man is not satisfied. So he runs there. He runs here. No matter where he goes, there is no relief for man.

It was during this time that God showed love and mercy to man and sent His Son Jesus Christ into this world (John 3:16). He came to earth in human form. That is to say, since the children have flesh and blood, He too is made up of flesh and blood like them (Hebrews 2:14). That is, He sent His Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering and so He condemned sin in the flesh (Romans 8:3).

Our Lord Jesus Christ came into this world as a human being. Because our Lord God lost man in the Garden of Eden, he was deceived by Satan and given a place to sin, because man lost his image of God, He came to this world in search of that man. When our Lord Jesus Christ spoke about this, He said that the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10).

So beloved! The Lord says that He lost the man in the Garden of Eden (Luke 19:10). It was the purpose of our Lord to redeem the lost man and to restore him to the image of God, and to change the image of the sinful flesh found in man.Therefore, on the cross of Calvary, our Lord Jesus Christ gave Himself as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29) and lost His image, the image of God, in order to redeem and save man who has the image of sinful flesh.Isaiah the prophet writes about this, (Isaiah 53:2) Seeing the scene where he was crucified and hanging, the prophet says that there was no beauty in him, no glory, when I saw him, he did not have a desirable form.That is, our Lord Jesus Christ lost His image in order to make man attain the image of God. Our Lord Jesus Christ is very beautiful, He is white and ruddy, and Solomon has described His beauty in a sublime way (Song of Solomon 5:10-16).Such a beautiful man lost all his beauty on the cross. His whole body was covered with blood.

Servants of God! People of God! Our Lord Jesus Christ suffered on the cross to create the divine image that man lost in Eden.They put a crown of thorns on his head that should have been crowned with gold. Nails pierced his golden arm. They pierced his ribs with a spear. They hit the nail in his golden leg.The entire body of the Lord Jesus Christ was scourged. Bloody bruises were found all over the body. So do you know why the image of our crucified Lord Jesus Christ was changed into the image of sinful flesh? Since Adam, the first man, had lost the image of God, we were also without the image of God. In order to create the image of God within us, the man to attain God's image again and to see God face to face, to visit, to have a relationship with God like Adam, our God lost His image on the cross.

Pay close attention to what the scriptures say. See how important it is to obey God's word. He just gave a small commandment in Eden. The commandment is not to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Man has transgressed this little commandment. The thing that needs to be noticed is that he did not fall under the word of God (Romans 5:19).

Today we break all the commandments given to us (Exodus 20:3-17). Our Lord God gave only one commandment to Adam. It is the only commandment not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But Adam disobeyed God's command (Genesis 2:17). Thus our God gave us ten commandments, vows and oaths. See how many people violate these.

The important thing for God's people and God's servants to notice is that Adam, the first man, could not stay in the Garden of Eden because he disobeyed God. Our Lord God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:24). So we who are preparing to go to heaven, let us leave the thought that whatever sin we commit, the Lord will forgive us and accept us in heaven. Let's walk in the fear of God! (Matthew 7:21). Read this verse of the Lord. So let's get down to business.

Our Lord Jesus Christ lost His image (God's image) on the cross so that we might attain God's image. Therefore, Jesus wants to give to everyone who comes to Christ and to everyone who obeys all of his commandments, the image of God that he lost on the cross. The Lord says that no one who does not receive God's image can enter the kingdom of heaven. So be careful!

Look, when Moses, the servant of the Lord, went to Mount Sinai to receive God's commands and waited at God's feet for forty days, his complexion changed. Therefore the whole nation of Israel was afraid of Moses when they saw that his appearance had changed. Therefore it is said that Moses spoke to the Israelites wearing a veil (Exodus 34:27-35).

Today we are also fasting for forty days. If we wait on God our countenance will shine and our complexion will change. These days, many of God's servants have reduced waiting in God's presence by calling it service, service. Such people cannot attain the image of God. Our attainment of godliness is more important than ministry. Therefore, if you wait for a long time in God's presence, the little message of God you tell to the people of the congregation will move the servants of God and the congregation there. Many today say awakening, awakening. All of you should pray together for revival in your church. God's servants and church people all over the world should pray for revival in the whole world. Then there will be an awakening all over the world.

So beloved! The Lord says that the time is near when there will be a revival in the whole world. Get ready everyone. Our Lord God wants every servant and God's people to wait and pray in His presence rather than work. Our Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon. Then our whole body is going to be changed. Beloved ones, so many trials, so many struggles to attain this transfigured image of God! In just a few more days, we are going to attain the image of God and the privilege of being with God. Let's prepare ourselves for that!

The Lord is coming!!

Beloved ones! This Lord's message is very important. Therefore, please read this message of the Lord and forward it to your friends, loved ones, others, and groups, and make this message of the Lord available to everyone.

Jesus bless you!!!

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