Moral Lessons Is there any Safety in Numbers?

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Moral Lessons and Bible Stories


Premium User
Aug 25, 2023
Leki Lagos

Safety in Numbers​


Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.
Proverbs 11:14, NASB


Are you facing an important decision today? God wants to give you the answer. He wants to direct your steps. Many times, He will speak to us through the people He has placed in our lives. That’s why the Bible says that safety is found in a multitude of counselors.

God designed us to live in families, communities, and congregations. We should always stay open and be willing to take advice. But after you’ve prayed about something and looked at all the options, be bold enough to make a decision that is right for you. If you’re trying to please everybody else by doing things you don’t really want to do, you will be cheating yourself. You can run yourself in circles trying to be something that you’re not, and you’ll run the risk of missing out on God’s best for your own life.

Make sure the people who are giving you advice have earned your respect as a source of wisdom. Then you need to follow your own heart in light of God’s Word and do what you feel is right and good for you.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the people You have placed in my life as wise counsel. Help me understand Your truth so that I can make godly choices. Keep me close to You always and lead me in the way everlasting in Jesus’ name. Amen. Have a Splendid day!

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